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6.01 - Employee Use of Equipment and Facilities

Policy Title: Employee Use

Impact: Facilities and Equipment


Effective Date: 12/22/1993

Revised Date: 3/26/2014

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure(s):]

Legal Citation(s):

I. Equipment

The personal use of college equipment by employees is allowed only in the following circumstances:

  1. Equipment that is purchased and/or maintained by the college for the purpose of rental to students, employees and the community may be used accordingly.

  2. Personal electronics that are issued to an employee under the expectation that the equipment will remain in the employee’s possession for an extended time (e.g., office computers or computing equipment, office telephones, laptop computers, cell phones, etc.) will be primarily used for college business, but incidental and occasional personal use is allowable when such use is not in violation of other pertinent NIC policies (e.g., policies on computer use and electronic mail) and does not interfere with college business.

  3. Other equipment may be used by employees when necessary to prepare for their college duties after obtaining permission of the appropriate supervising President’s Cabinet member and the completion of a check-out receipt. The temporary use or storage of such equipment off campus will be allowed with the supervising President’s Cabinet member’s permission. Written notification of such use or storage shall be given to the business office.

II. Facilities

Facility use must be coordinated with the appropriate person or committee responsible for facility scheduling. When facilities are used for personal business, employees must pay the appropriate rental fee. Facilities use shall in no way interfere with regular college business. Facilities may not be used for the permanent or continuous storage of personal property not used for official college business. Any property continuously in or on college property (excepting personal items within the employee’s workspace) is presumed to be college property unless marked PERSONAL PROPERTY OF. College insurance does not cover personal property kept in or on college property.