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6.02 - Non-Employee Use of Facilities

Policy Title: Non-Employee Use of Facilities

Impact: Facilities and Equipment


Effective Date: 12/22/1993

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure(s):

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative:

Campus facilities are provided to facilitate the educational mission of the college. First priority for use of such facilities is given to the curricular and extra-curricular programs of the college. At appropriate times, when facilities are not required by the college, use may be granted to qualified off campus organizations, agencies or groups. 

Facilities will be rented only to responsible adult parties. A requesting group or agency must be a duly established organization with officers authorized to represent and enter into contractual agreements on behalf of the organization. The activities to be conducted within the college facilities shall be designed to foster the attainment of positive educational, cultural, recreational, social, or civic goals, and shall in no manner be directed to activities which involve or encourage the violation of local ordinances, state statutes or federal laws. 

Any group or organization using campus facilities shall comply with all federal and state laws and the city of Coeur d'Alene ordinances and regulations, including those relating to equal opportunity and nondiscrimination.

The use of campus facilities will be denied when the philosophy of the sponsoring entity or the purpose of the facility's use: 

  1. Advances any doctrine or theory subversive to the Constitution and/or laws of the state of Idaho or the United States.
  2. Advocates social and political change through violence.
  3. Includes a performance, exhibition or entertainment, which violates the constitutional definition of what is obscene. Should any such exhibition or performance or any part thereof be deemed to violate such constitutional standards, the user may be required to delete or rewrite such portions to the extent necessary to remove their offensive character.

The college reserves the right to refuse or cancel any and all user contracts when it is deemed such action is in the best interests of the college. 

The rental and/or use of the campus facilities shall not constitute an endorsement by North Idaho College of any organization or group, nor of any particular issue or perspective related to programs presented. Furthermore, North Idaho College recognizes its reputation cannot be separated from non-NIC instructional uses of the college campus. Therefore, all public requests or requests from employees not related to their duties at the college for NIC campus rooms or labs for the purpose of offering education or training activities will be directed to the workforce training and community education office.

The workforce training and community education office will review those requests and, if appropriate, enter into a cooperation agreement with the instructional providers. The workforce training community education office will provide oversight regarding instructor competence and instructional content. This cooperative arrangement is not optional. Those choosing not to participate will be required to seek an off-campus site for their programs.  Non-credit physical education instruction is not included in the policy and is the only exception.

Procedure Title: Non-Employee Use of Facilities

Impact: Facilities and Equipment


Effective Date: 12/22/1993

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Policy(s): 6.02

Legal Citation(s):


I. Rent, Fees, Liability, etc.:

Rental of campus facilities to non-college groups, organizations and agencies is the responsibility of the Campus Events Committee.  Facility use request forms are available through the office of auxiliary services.

Rental rates for all facilities will be determined by contractual agreement with North Idaho College. Additional fees for custodial or technical assistance and other services also may be charged. Waiver or reduction of rental and other fees may be requested through the Campus Events Committee. The decision of the committee on waiver and reduction requests may be appealed to the college president.

Any person, group, or organization making use of the college facilities shall be responsible to pay for any damages to the facilities or equipment caused by such usage, other than ordinary wear and tear, and shall be further obligated not to alter or change electrical or heating apparatus, building structures, facilities or equipment in any way. 

All persons, groups, and organizations making use of the college facilities shall be required to provide such police protection and/or public liability insurance coverage as may be deemed necessary and proper by the Campus Events Committee or other authorized college representative.

II. User Representative, Staff Right to Entry:

Any group, organization, or agency contracting with the college for use of facilities must provide the name, address and phone number of an authorized representative who shall be empowered to enter into contractual agreements, make necessary decisions, and serve as a contact for college representatives. 

 The college reserves the right of its representatives or staff to enter and inspect its facilities at any time during their use by outside renters.

III. Publicity:

Signs, posters, or other advertising may not be displayed in any manner inside or outside on college property without permission.

The college reserves the right to publicize events on its campus through newsletters, press releases, programs, or other means, but is not required to do so. 

IV. Licenses, Permits, Taxes:

All licenses, permits, and/or taxes required for or resulting from non-college use of campus facilities are the responsibility of the renter.

V. Reserving Campus Facilities:

  1. Schuler Auditorium ‑ All reservation requests for use of the Schuler Auditorium will be made either by calling or by writing to the auditorium manager.

  2. Classrooms and Lakeside Theater ‑ All reservation requests for use of campus classrooms and the Lakeside Theater will be made by calling or writing to the external relations office. This office will be responsible for checking with appropriate campus offices on the availability of classrooms.

  3. Christianson Gymnasium ‑ All reservation requests for the use of the gym facilities will be made by calling or by writing to the gymnasium office.

  4. Edminster Student Union and Grounds ‑ All reservation requests for use of the student union and grounds facilities will be made by calling or by writing to the student union director's office.

  5. Todd Hall ‑ All reservation requests for use of Todd Hall will be made by calling or by writing to the learning resources director's office.

 VI. Special Procedures:

  1. Auditorium Publicity
    The user agrees to withhold all publicizing of an event until tickets for the event are placed on sale or until a date is established when ticket sales can begin and all publicity and promotion can indicate such date. Release of information prior to the availability of tickets or failure to designate the specific date that tickets are to go on sale, may result in additional charges for ticket services. The theater box office requires a copy of all press releases, publicity and advertising materials a minimum of one week in advance of media release dates.

  2. Children
    Children are invited to attend appropriate performances at the theater, but unless specifically noted, every person must have a ticket and sit in a chair. No children in arms or laps. Therefore, children are entitled to a student rate under the above conditions, but are not required to show identification until the age at which the school system requires identification cards.

  3. Student Union
    Use of food service may reduce room rental charges.

  4. Gymnasium
    The gym will be rented only for athletic oriented functions unless otherwise approved by the board of trustees. 