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6.06 - Naming of Facilities

Policy Title: Naming of Facilities

Impact: Facilities


Effective Date: 11/29/1995

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date: 11/25/2014

Relates to Procedure(s): 6.06

Legal Citation(s):


I. Policy Narrative

All college facilities, including rooms, wings, parks, landscaped areas or other significant and identifiable structures or locations, may be named at the discretion of the institution.

Procedure Title: Naming of Facilities

Impact: Facilities


Effective Date: 11/29/1995

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date: 11/25/2014

Relates to Policy(s): 6.06

Legal Citation(s):


I. Types of Names:

Facility names shall be of three basic types or a combination thereof:

  1. Descriptive names that either identify the facility by function or location, e.g. Library/Computer Center.
  2. Historic, tribal or generic names that have local meaning or significance, e.g. Fort Sherman Officers Quarters.
  3. Honorific names which recognize an individual, family, group or organization, e.g. McLain Hall.

II. Procedure for Nomination

Nominations for facility names should be submitted in writing along with a rationale to President’s Cabinet.

III. Authority for Naming

Naming any facility will include an advisory vote by the Senate and input from the president, President’s Cabinet and the board of trustees.  Final approval will be made by the board of trustees.

IV. Criteria

Criteria for naming facilities in honor of an individual, family, group or organization shall include but not be limited to:

  1. Extraordinary service to the college as a member of the faculty or staff or as a volunteer.
  2. Significant financial contributions to the construction or renovation of a facility or to some program or project which is part of the mission of the college.
  3. Facilities shall not be named for current employees of the college and may only be named for former employees who have left that employment for a minimum of five years or who are deceased.