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6.07 - Alcohol on Campus or at NIC Facilities

Policy Title: Alcohol on Campus or at NIC Facilities

Impact: Facilities


Effective Date: 2/28/2007

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date: 12/5/2014

Relates to Procedure(s):

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative:

North Idaho College will, on a limited basis and in a carefully controlled environment, permit the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages on property and in facilities owned, leased, rented or managed by the college.  Approval from the president of North Idaho College will be required in every instance.


Procedure Title: Alcohol on Campus or at NIC Facilities

Impact: Facilities


Effective Date: 2/28/2007

Last Update: 12/5/2014

Relates to Policy(s): 6.07

Legal Citation(s):

I. Procedure Narrative:

Possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages is generally prohibited on campus grounds or within facilities and property owned or leased by North Idaho College. The college president, or designee, is hereby authorized to waive the prohibition against possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages only as permitted by and in conjunction with policy 6.07. The application process for obtaining an Alcohol Beverage Permit shall be as follows:

  1. Secure an Alcohol Beverage Permit packet from the office of Auxiliary Services.
  2. Complete the Alcohol Permit Application form.
  3. Return completed application to office of Auxiliary Services at least thirty (30) business days prior to the desired event.
  4. Application will be reviewed by the director of Auxiliary Services, director of Campus Safety, and the college president.
  5. Applicant will be notified of approval or denial in writing within fifteen (15) working days of the date of receipt of completed application form.