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6.08 - Time, Place and Manner for Exercising Freedom of Speech

Policy Title: Time, Place and Manner of exercising free speech and expression at NIC

Impact: Campus


Effective Date: 4/27/2011

Revised Date: 2/2014

Reviewed Date: 6/2024

Relates to Procedure(s): 6.08

Legal Citation(s):

I. Campus Speech Activities--Time, Place, and Manner

This policy and subsequent procedures informs members of NIC and the public of the time, place, and manner in which they may engage in constitutionally protected speech and expression at North Idaho College. It is intended to ensure the primary educational purpose of the college which includes promoting the free exchange of ideas and the dialogue which it creates.


Procedure Title: Time, Place and Manner of exercising free speech and expression at NIC

Impact: Campus


Effective Date: 4/27/2011

Revised Date: 4/21/2014

Reviewed Date: 

Relates to Policy(s): 6.08

Legal Citation(s):

I. Definitions

  1. “Person” means any member of the public or the college community.
  2. “Public” means any individual or group not included in the definition of “college community.
  3. “Speech Activities” means leafleting, picketing, speech making, demonstration, petition circulation, posting signs, and similar speech-related activities.
  4. “College” means North Idaho College.
  5. “College Community” means all students, faculty and staff of NIC including student, faculty and staff sponsored organizations.

II. Access, Traffic and College Business not to be Impeded

North Idaho College’s facilities and grounds are open to the public and the college community for speech activities with the following stipulations.

  1. No speech activities shall impede pedestrian and vehicular traffic nor disrupt regular or authorized activities in classrooms, offices, laboratories and other NIC facilities or grounds. Speech activities are to be conducted no closer than 20 feet from any exit, entrance, staircase, parking lot or roadway.

  2. No speech activities shall be conducted at a volume which disrupts the normal use of classrooms, offices and laboratories.

  3. The vice president for finance and business affairs may designate a portion of the campus, and the time of day, during which the grounds are not available for speech activities in order to meet traffic, emergency access, and public transit needs.

 III. Notification

In order to allow scheduling and to assure public safety, persons desiring to picket or demonstrate are encouraged to notify Campus Safety at least 48 hours in advance. It is the responsibility of the user to acquire any necessary state, county, or municipal licenses.

IV. Administrative Interpretation

Any person may request from the vice president for finance and business affairs an interpretation of any provisions of these regulations which he or she finds unclear or believes to have been misapplied.

 V. Authorization

The vice president for finance and business affairs is responsible for the implementation and management of this policy.  Requests for interpretation, clarification and/or exceptions to this policy may be addressed to the VP for finance and business affairs, who will confer with other NIC VP’s in considering requests for exceptions.

 VI. Enforcement

  1. Any person violating these rules may be:
    1. subject to institutional disciplinary proceedings; and/or
    2. ordered to leave the immediate premises or property by an authorized NIC official.

  2. Persons failing to comply with an order given by an authorized NIC official to leave NIC property are subject to arrest for criminal trespass.