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7.01.04 - Continuous Professional Service Contracts

Policy Title: Continuous Professional Service Contracts



Effective Date: 12/20/1990

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date: 

Relates to Procedure(s):

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy for Awarding Continuous Professional Service Contracts

The North Idaho College Board of Trustees has determined that it is in the best interest of the college to contract for some professional services for a period of longer than one fiscal year.  Examples of such services are: (a) banking, (b) attorney, (c) architect, (d) auditor, (e) insurance and grant consultants or directors.  However, it is also believed that different vendors for these services should periodically have opportunities to present proposals for providing such services to insure the efficient and wise use of college funds. It is further understood that if it is determined that services are unsatisfactory, that a request for proposals can be initiated at any time.  Any service may be terminated by the trustees with a ninety (90) day written notice.

The Administration will establish an ad hoc committee consisting of no less than three college employees in the field covered by the desired service. The committee will prepare a request to be circulated in a geographic area large enough to insure responses from several qualified professionals. The committee will review the proposals and make written recommendations to the President’s Cabinet and the board of trustees.

II. Definitions to be used in the interpretation of this policy:

  1. PROFESSIONAL will mean those services conforming to the standards of a professional determined through practice, special skills, licensure or uniqueness of the service.

  2. CONTINUOUS will mean a period of more than one year during which services are provided.

  3. SERVICE will mean actions, words or benefits accrued to North Idaho College as the result of an individual's or firm's efforts.