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7.03.01 - Grants Coordination

Policy Title: Grants



Effective Date: 1/30/2002

Last Update: 5/27/2015

Relates to Procedure(s): 7.03.01

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative:

It is the policy of North Idaho College that college departments may prepare grant or contract proposals for funds from federal departments, state and local governmental agencies, business organizations and private foundations, provided the project is within the scope of the mission of the department and college and is brought forward with administrative approval. This policy is supported by business procedure.

This policy and supporting procedure do not apply to:

  1. Formula grant applications such as the Title IV Federal Financial Aid grants, Carl Perkins vocational education grants, Workforce Investment Act funding, and grants administered by the Idaho State Department of Professional-Technical Education or the Idaho State Board of Education;
  2. Grant applications submitted to external organizations through the NIC Foundation, Inc., the NIC Booster Club, Inc. or to internal grant applications submitted to the NIC Foundation, Inc.

II. Authority

The authority to bind the college to the terms and conditions of an agreement has been delegated by the NIC Board of Trustees to the president and/or vice president for finance and business affairs. The final approval for grants and contracts rests with the president.

Any employee who applies for a grant or seeks to enter into a contract on behalf of North Idaho College must first have the prior approval of President’s Cabinet. Grant agreements or contracts must be signed by the president or vice president for finance and business affairs prior to any grant activity. College facilities and resources shall not be used in support of an unauthorized grant or contract.


Procedure Title: Grants



Effective Date: 1/30/2002

Last Update: 5/27/2015

Relates to Policy(s): 7.03.01

Legal Citation(s):

I. Procedure Narrative

North Idaho College encourages faculty and staff to seek additional funding in the form of grants for appropriate activities and programs.  This procedure governing grant applications submitted on behalf of North Idaho College is designed to promote communication and cooperation between individuals involved in funds development.

  1. The grant application process begins by identifying a grant opportunity or need and discussing the grant opportunity or need with the NIC Development Department. The NIC Development Department will work with the individual to determine eligibility, feasibility, and ensure that any proposed grant-funded activities are in support of the mission of NIC and the college’s strategic plan. 

  2. The NIC Development Department will work with the individual and/or department to complete a “Grant Concept & Proposal Development Approval Form.” Once completed, the “Grant Concept & Proposal Development Approval Form” is signed by the person completing the form, the employee’s supervisor, and appropriate vice president, and then returned to the NIC Development Department.

  3. The NIC Development Department works with the individual to present the “Grant Concept & Proposal Development Approval Form” to President’s Cabinet for final approval. Once approved, the NIC Development Department will file the “Grant Concept & Proposal Development Approval Form” along with other accompanying materials and if applicable, notifies the grant applicant that s/he may proceed with the grant application process.

  4. NIC Development Department staff will work with the individual/s applying for funding to develop and submit the grant application, following the North Idaho College Grants Development Process established by the NIC Development Department and the NIC Business Office.

  5. Grant applications requiring a signature for submission, must be signed by the college president and/or by the vice president for finance and business affairs. Grants submitted through must be submitted by an official designated by the president.

  6. In cases where a grant is funded, copies of the award package should be sent to the NIC Development Department by the project lead and will become a part of the grant file. If an award package requires a signature, the award package may only be signed by the college president and/or the vice president for finance and business affairs.   

  7. The project lead (normally identified in the grant application) shall be responsible for following all regulations pertaining to the grant project. The NIC Development Department will assist the project lead in this process. Copies of any required reports sent to the granting agency should be sent to the grants coordinator for inclusion in the grant file.

  8. The college will not process purchase orders, employment notices, invoice vouchers, and travel authorizations until the signed grant award package has been received and appropriately processed. This process includes obtaining a new budget number for the grant from the NIC Business Office.

    Project leads with existing grants up for renewal must contact the NIC Development Department to determine if a “Grant Concept & Proposal Development Approval Form” is required.