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7.04 - Campus Emergencies/Safety Regulations

Policy Title: Emergency Response


Responsibility: Office of Student Services

Effective Date:

Revised Date: 2/18/2015

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure(s):

Legal Citation(s):

I. Campus Emergency Policy

To ensure a safe campus environment, North Idaho College, in collaboration with city and state emergency personnel, has developed comprehensive emergency response and crisis protocols. The response plans and protocols are reviewed and updated annually. College employees are expected to be familiar with and comply with all campus emergency protocols.

This policy is intended to address how to report an emergency or potential danger. The event will dictate the procedure(s) initiated by college personnel, first responders and/or city and state emergency personnel.

Situations requiring police, fire and/or medical assistance are to be reported using 911, the universal emergency phone number. Anyone utilizing 911 should report the action to Campus Security immediately.

Anyone with knowledge of plans, actions or threats which could endanger faculty, staff students or other individuals should report the information to Campus Security immediately at 769-3310. The Campus Security Supervisor will initiate any required action and complete the necessary reports.