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NWCCU Investigation of Complaint

North Idaho College has been accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (the NWCCU) since 1950. The NWCCU is an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education.

NIC Accreditation


Cited Eligibility Requirement Under Review 

(9) GOVERNING BOARD: The institution has a functioning governing board(s) responsible for the quality and integrity of the institution and for each college/unit within a multiple-unit district or system, to ensure that the institution’s mission is being achieved. The governing board(s) has at least five voting members, a majority of whom have no contractual or employment relationship or personal financial interest with the institution. Institutions that are part of a complex system with multiple boards, a centralized board, or related entities, shall have, with respect to such boards, clearly defined authority, roles, and responsibilities for all entities in a written contract(s). In addition, authority and responsibility between the system and the institution is clearly delineated, in a written contract, described on its website and in its public documents, and provides NWCCU accredited institutions with sufficient autonomy to fulfill its mission.

NIC's ability to document how we are meeting or effectively resolving the eligibility issues brought into question by the NWCCU is our current core focus. Success will look like the board and president working together to demonstrate confidence and action in making corrections and resolving issues to meet all the NWCCU eligibility requirements. 

NIC Response to Peer Panel Report March 12, 2022
Cover Letter to NWCCU June 10, 2021
Response Report to NWCCU June 10, 2021
Receipt of Unsolicited Materials Policy Amended Response June 10, 2021

The NIC Board of Trustees released a statement in response to the NWCCU investigation at their May 28 regular meeting.

Board statement re: NWCCU investigation

The Idaho State Board of Education released a message to Region 1 counselors and advisors on April 20, 2022.

  SBOE Message to Region 1 Counselors and Advisors