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Non-District Residency

Residents of the state of Idaho pay either the district or non-district tuition rate pursuant to Idaho State Code 33-2110A. Since North Idaho College receives funding from Kootenai County, Kootenai County residents pay the in-district (Resident) tuition rate. Students from other counties pay the non-district rate. Students who are not from Kootenai County can receive county support from their county of residence if they have an approved Certificate of Residency on file. With an approved Certificate of Residency, these students can receive a total tuition benefit of $3,000, $500 per semester, or $50 per credit.

To qualify for county support, students who reside in Idaho but not in Kootenai County must file a certificate with their home County Clerk’s Office. 

Submitting a Certificate of Residency

  1. Complete the Certificate of Residency.
  2. Mail the completed form to your county clerk's office.
  3. The county commissioner will mail the approved or declined certificate to North Idaho College.

Once NIC's Student Finance Office receives an approved Certificate of Residency form from your county, out-of-district fees will be removed from the student’s account. Students will see this reflected in their Student Finance within their MyNIC Self Service.

How often do I submit a Certificate of Residency? 

The following counties require a Certificate of Residency each semester: 

  • Butte
  • Gooding
  • Power

The following counties require a Certificate of Residency each academic school year (an academic year is Fall and Spring Semesters):

  • Adams
  • Bannock
  • Bear Lake
  • Benewah
  • Bingham
  • Blaine
  • Boise
  • Bonner
  • Boundary
  • Camas
  • Caribou
  • Cassia
  • Clark
  • Clearwater
  • Elmore
  • Fremont
  • Gem
  • Idaho
  • Jefferson
  • Latah
  • Lemhi
  • Lewis
  • Lincoln
  • Madison
  • Minidoka
  • Nez Perce
  • Oneida
  • Owyhee
  • Payette
  • Shoshone
  • Teton
  • Valley
  • Washington

The following counties do not require a Certificate of Residency:  

  • Ada
  • Bonneville
  • Canyon
  • Jerome
  • Kootenai
  • Twin Falls

Certificate of Residency Denials 

There are three conditions under which a student may be denied for county assistance:

  1. Student does not meet requirements for county residency (e.g., students who move from county to county and fail to establish residency).
  2. Student has received the maximum total tuition benefit.
  3. Student does not submit the form by the deadline.

If any of these situations occur and residency is denied, you will be responsible for paying the out-of-district tuition and fees. Any delinquent balance will be held to the same policies as any past due funds on your account set forth by North Idaho College.

Additional Resources