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Safe Walk

As part of our commitment to your safety, North Idaho College Campus Security and the Green Dot Violence Prevention Program have implemented SafeWalk.

SafeWalk is a free service for students, employees and visitors who wish to be escorted anywhere on the NIC campus, including surrounding parking lots and along Rosenberry Drive.

For SafeWalk service, just call Campus Security at (208) 769-3310, and a uniformed security officer will meet you and accompany you on foot to your destination.

Safe Walk is:

  • Always free
  • No questions asked
  • Available 24/7, year-round

Blue Light Phones

North Idaho College has installed special telephones at multiple outdoor locations in academic and housing areas on campus that are connected directly to the NIC Campus Security. There is no need for money, or to dial a number. These phones can be located by a blue light and sign with the word: "EMERGENCY." Press the red rectangular button to talk to Campus Security staff.

General Safety Tips

  • Add Campus Security to your phone's contact list, that number is 208-769-3310 and is answered 24/7.
  • Plan ahead and go with friends to and from events and activities.
  • Walk with friends or a group, especially in hours of darkness.
  • Walk in well-lit areas and stick to sidewalks.
  • Be intentionally aware while walking.
    • Pay attention to your surroundings using all of your senses. That means no distractions including smartphones, headphones and other electronic devices.
    • Plan your route and scan for available escape routes in case you need them.
    • Actively note the locations of emergency call boxes along your route.
    • Use your intuition-if a situation doesn't feel right, leave the area.

Orders of Protection

If you have an active order of protection and are concerned about your personal safety as you move through NIC-affiliated properties, please contact Campus Security to visit with an officer about how we can best address your concerns and safety needs.