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SALUTE Honor Society


North Idaho College was recently added as a chapter for the national honor society, SALUTE. SALUTE stands for Service – Academics – Leadership – Unity – Tribute – Excellence. Colorado State University administers the program which was made possible by a grant from the ACE/Wal-Mart Foundation. Established in 2009, SALUTE is the first national honor society established for student veterans and currently serving military personnel attending 2-year and 4-year institutions of higher education. The NIC SALUTE chapter will be administered by the Veteran and Military Family Services Advisor (VSA), Greg Eaton. Interested student veterans should contact the VSA at (208) 666-8027 or for more information. Steps for the application process are listed below.


Student veterans, honorably discharged, with at least 12 credits of post-secondary coursework and a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or above are eligible to join the SALUTE chapter. One unique element of SALUTE is a 4-tier system which is designed to encourage student veterans to improve their GPAs and advance to higher tiers.

  • Alpha: GPA - 3.75 – 4.00
  • Bravo: GPA - 3.50 – 3.74
  • Charlie: GPA - 3.25 – 3.49
  • Delta: GPA - 3.00 – 3.24 

Application Process

Applicants need to submit the following items to apply:

  1. Completed SALUTE Membership Application form. The SALUTE Membership Application is listed under Forms on this page or
  2. Unofficial transcript with GPA annotated.
  3. Copy of military orders/DD214 with Honorable Discharge
  4. $35 Lifetime Membership fee. Cash or checks made payable to "North Idaho College" are accepted

Click here for more Information on the SALUTE National Chapter at Colorado State University.