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Building and Room Access

Cardinal Cards

All employees are required to possess an NIC Cardinal Card (photo ID), which can be obtained at the Cardinal Central Office in Lee-Kildow Hall Room 116. Employees who require access to buildings or rooms via electronic access or key, must contact their department administrator who will submit the electronic request for director or division chair approval. Only electronic submittal requests via MyNIC > the Applications Tab > Building Access Form will be accepted. With the exception of the key return form, paper requests are no longer valid.

Key Authorization Issuance Process:

  • The electronic access authorization request can be found on the MyNIC portal > Applications Tab > Building Access Form. Please contact Stuart Wagner with NIC Security at (208) 769-5912, for help accessing or completing the form.

  • The administrator/requestor must read and complete the Access Authorization Form for the employee and assign only the building and room access that is absolutely necessary. Once the administrator/requestor completes the form, it is then submitted to the department director or division chair for approval.

  • Access Authorization submittals should not be completed any earlier than 10 business days from when the keys or access are required. The employee must be in possession of their NIC Cardinal Card prior to any electronic access or key request being processed.

  • Once the employee is issued a Cardinal Card, approved requests to NIC Security for verification that components of the key guidelines have been fulfilled. Security will then apply electronic access to the Cardinal Card or forward the request to Facilities Operations for key processing.

  • Hard keys will be delivered to the Student Services Office, Student Union Building room 200, on or before noon on Wednesdays; the keys are then available for pickup by the employee who will need to sign for receipt of the key.

  • The employee's supervisor or administrator is responsible for informing the employee that the key will be available at the Student Services Office, Student Union Building room 200, after noon on the Wednesday following the week of submittal. The employee will then have two weeks to retrieve and sign for the key. After two weeks, the key will be returned to Facilities Operations with the requesting department assessed a $50 charge for process expenses. Contact the Student Services Office at (208) 769-7156 if unforeseen delays occur and a key pickup extension is required. If the keys are returned to Facilities, the requestor will be required to initiate the submittal process once again should the key still be needed.

Key Return Process/Electronic Access Discontinued

  • When an employee leaves employment or it is determined that a key or electronic access is no longer required, the requestor or supervisor is responsible for ensuring that keys are returned to the Student Services Office, Student Union Building room 200, on or before their last day of employment. Electronic card accesses can be discontinued by contacting Stuart Wagner at (208) 769-5912, Accesses can be programmed to expire in advance so please provide the last date that access will be required. Keys that are being returned to the Student Services Office, Student Union Building room 200, need to be accompanied with the Key Return Form.

  • Employees who change departments or relocate to a new building or office must return the keys they no longer need when they attain new keys. New keys are requested through the electronic submittal process. Keys are never to be transferred or exchanged from one employee to another; they must be returned to the Student Services Office, Student Union Building room 200, so key tracking is kept current. Requestors or supervisors should never hold or re-assign keys for departed or newly assigned employees.

  • NIC departments will be charged for re-pinning of doors when it is determined that keys have not been returned by departing employees to the Student Services Office, Student Union Building room 200, and a safety and security deficiency exists. Departing employees will also be assessed a key replacement cost for keys not returned; this deduction will be from payroll.


Key Return Form