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Assessment Processes

Each semester, faculty in GEM areas and programs across campus enter in student performance data through Canvas assessment rubrics. These rubrics are tied to state and program-level competencies.

Over the summer, colleagues at IT, eLearning and the Office of Planning and Effectiveness input the student learning outcomes assessment data into data dashboards for GEM areas and programs.

Faculty then gather each Fall and Spring Semester to discuss the data dashboards, look for equity gaps in student performance and think through action plans to take as a result.

These action plans are reviewed by the Dean of Instruction and division chairs and are discussed at the GEM and program level. Action plans are then reevaluated the next cycle to determine successes and to look for learning improvement stories.

GEM Assessment Process

The General Education Matriculation (GEM) Assessment can occur in any semester. The college sets a minimum benchmark for spring data entry.

  • Division chairs, instructional leadership and GEM faculty receive SLOA reminders about GEM assessment.
  • SLOA checks in with GEM faculty, division chairs and administrative assistants to make sure GEM rubrics are imported into all GEM Canvas classes.
  • SLOA reaches out to division chairs to choose GEM leaders for fall GEM Assessment workshops.
  • All full-time, part-time and dual credit GEM faculty select the assignment(s) to assess and score students using their GEM assessment rubric.
  • GEM Assessment data due by on the same date as final grades. 
  • Dashboards created for GEM areas by Aug. 1. Divisions and faculty can then use data to examine student success, plan for learning improvements and have data visualizations to inform teaching and learning.
  • GEM Assessment Workshops and Action Plans for the next year's cycle occur during the Fall Semester.
  • Programs continue to select classes to assess, to add to their data dashboards and to build a more robust picture of student success.

Program Outcomes Assessment Process

Division chairs and program faculty decide which programs undergo Program Outcomes Assessments each Fall Semester. The college sets a minimum benchmark for spring data entry.

  • Division chairs list associate degree programs that will be assessed.
  • Division chairs work with program faculty to select which program-specific required course(s) to assess for each program.
  • Faculty teaching the selected course(s) for program assessment should import the program outcomes into their Canvas class and create a rubric.
  • Faculty select the assignment(s) to assess and score students using their Program Outcomes rubric.
  • Assessment data for programs due by June 15.
  • Dashboards created for programs by Aug. 1. Divisions and faculty can then use data to examine student success, plan for learning improvements and have data visualizations to inform program reviews.
  • Ongoing GEM Assessment occurs each spring, and data can inform program assessment, too.

Faculty and Staff Resources

The Office of Planning and Effectiveness and the SLOA Committee have compiled resources for staff and faculty for GEM and Program Assessments in Box. The Idaho State Board of Education also has Governing Policies and Procedures for Statewide General Education. 

Assessment Instructions

SBOE Policies and Procedures