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You can download current Cardinal Central forms by selecting any link below. You will need Adobe Reader to view the files below. You can get it here for free.

Avoid Processing Delays!
  • Check to make sure your form prints out completely.  Does it match the form on your screen?
  • Fill out all necessary information.
  • Sign the form if required.
  • Unless otherwise noted, when submitting electronically, email to using your Cardinal Mail Account

Change your student record

  • Personal Contact Information - To make changes, log into MyNIC, select Self Service, click on your username in the upper right corner and select Contact Information.  This will give you the option to change your address, personal email, and phone number. Click here for a tutorial on how to update your Contact Information.
  • Emergency Contact Information - To make changes, log into MyNIC, select Self Service, click on your username in the upper right corner and select Contact Information. This will give you the option to change emergency and missing person contact information. Click here for a tutorial on how to update your Emergency Information.
  • Name Change - Complete the form and submit with these three (3) forms of identification:
    • State Issued Identification with new name
    • Social Security Card with new name
    • Official legal document: marriage license, divorce decree, court order, legal adoption
  • Program Change Request Form - Complete this form to change or add an additional program.

Financial Aid

If you are required to submit documents for your financial aid file, you will have them listed on your Self Service Financial Aid page under "Complete required documents"

Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Summer 2024

FAFSA Income Modification Request:

The NIC Financial Aid Office FAFSA Income Modification Request is used to evaluate if a student's financial aid eligibility can be adjusted based on a recent decrease in income due to an extenuating circumstance.

If you are unsure which request to complete, please email or call (208) 769-3311.

Student Finance


  • Certificate of Residency - Non District students can receive county support from their county of residence. Visit Non-District Residency website for additional information including how often your county requires a new certificate of residency.   
  • Residency Determination Worksheet - To change your residency status to District/Resident (includes Ada, Bonneville, Canyon, Jerome, Kootenai and Twin Falls counties). Visit the Requirements to Establish Residency website for additional information. 
  • WUE (Western Undergraduate Exchange) - WUE eligible students are emailed the WUE application once accepted to NIC. Visit the WUE webpage for additional information on qualification for this tuition rate.

Student Privacy

Student records are protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Visit the FERPA webpage for additional information. 

  • FERPA Privacy Hold 
  • Consent for Release of Student Information Form
    ** When you mail or fax the Consent for Release of Student Information form, please include a photocopy of your drivers license or other form of picture ID that includes your signature on the ID.

Dual Credit 

Please visit the Dual Credit webpage for dual credit forms.

International Student

Please visit the International student webpage for international student forms.