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Submission Guidelines

Trestle Creek Review is published each year in May. We accept submissions year-round and they are reviewed between January and April. All submissions received by January 31 will be considered for inclusion in that year's issue of TCR. Submissions received after January 31 will be held to consider the following year.

Trestle Creek Review welcomes electronic submissions of any genre of literary or creative work. Submissions of poetry (5 poems maximum), prose (5,000 words maximum) or black-and-white artwork (any style or medium) may be sent via email attachment to tcr@nic.eduWe do not accept paper submissions. We consider work by any member of the NIC community - including students, faculty, staff and alumni - and by residents of the Inland Northwest. No previously published work can be considered, but simultaneous submissions are welcome. Current TCR staff are not eligible to submit, and former TCR editors must wait at least two years before submitting.

Please include each submission as a separate file attachment. For artwork, please send high resolution images of at least 300 dpi. Do not include your name or any identifying information on the submission itself. Instead, include your name, email address, mailing address, and NIC status (student, faculty, staff, alumnus/a, or Inland Northwest resident) in the accompanying email along with a brief biographical statement. We look forward to the privilege of reviewing your work.