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How to Qualify and Apply

Are you eligible for TRIO?

To participate in TRIO Student Support Services, you must:

  • Be a citizen or legal resident of the United States.
  • Be currently attending NIC and working toward a certificate or associate degree and be able to graduate within four years.
  • Plan to transfer to a four-year college or university to earn a bachelor's degree.
  • Have the ability to benefit from TRIO services.
  • Meet at least one of the following three criteria set by the Department of Education:
    1. A student who is low-income as determined by Federal Income Guidelines.
    2. A first-generation college student (neither parent has a bachelor’s degree).
    3. A student with any documented disability and are registered with NIC’s Disability Services.


If you qualify, we invite you to fill out the

TRIO Application

If you are unsure if you qualify for TRIO, please contact TRIO Student Support Services at (208) 769-5979 or