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Advanced Placement

Competitive Entry

Location: Coeur d'Alene

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Tuition and Fees Cost of Attendance

Program Description

The faculty of the Associate's Degree Nursing program upholds the mission of North Idaho College in its commitment to student success educational excellence community engagement and lifelong learning.

The Associate's Degree Nursing program at North Idaho College commits to excellence in nursing education by developing distinguished graduate nurses who are prepared to meet the health care needs of the community and seeks to advance the profession. The curriculum includes general education courses in the arts and sciences and nursing courses that provide nursing theory in the classroom and clinical experience in health care agencies.

The nursing department at North Idaho College is committed to helping students achieve their career goals in the field of nursing. Advanced Placement is a track for currently licensed LPNs/PNs/LVNs to obtain their Associate Degree- Registered Nursing. NURS 196, LPN to RN Transition, is a course intended for LPNs/LVNs who are seeking advanced placement in the Associate Degree Nursing Program (ADNP). This four-credit course is split between theory and lab/clinical. Two credits are designated to theory content, and two credits are designated to lab and clinical. After successful completion of NURS 196, students will enter the ADNP at semester three (Intermediate Level II).

Application Information

An application to the Advanced Placement Nursing program (PN to RN) is available during the following time frame:

  • Mid-February through Mid-April for September admission of each year.
  • Mid-August through Mid-October for February admission of each year.

Nursing is a discipline with its own unique body of knowledge and skills, which focuses on optimizing the health of individuals and their communities. The Associate’s Degree Nursing Program at North Idaho College is dedicated to educational excellence and preparing safe, caring, and competent graduates.

Faculty engage students as partners to achieve student learning outcomes that are relevant to the clinical practice environment. This partnership is exemplified by behaviors that demonstrate respect, equity and justice. Faculty embrace Knowles’s Theory of Adult Learning in which students are acknowledged to be self-directed and responsible for their decisions. Students are encouraged to connect and relate prior experiences and knowledge to current and future learning. Learning is optimal when students and faculty develop a dynamic professional partnership fostered on mutual respect and engagement in critical reflection.

Faculty model effective communication, ethical behavior, and respect for diversity. Research and best practice in modern pedagogy are utilized in both the academic and clinical environments to educate students regarding the art and science of nursing. Faculty recognize that students differ in abilities, learning preferences, educational and cultural backgrounds, and goals. The curriculum is structured to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes, which promote patient-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, safety, and informatics.


The Associate’s Degree Nursing Program at North Idaho College commits to excellence in nursing education by developing distinguished graduate nurses who are prepared to meet the health care needs of the community and seek to advance the profession.


The Associate’s Degree Nursing Program at North Idaho College aspires to be a national leader in nursing education by promoting the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that cultivate exceptional and sought after nursing care providers in service to our community.

The graduate competencies of the Associate's Degree Nursing program are derived from the Quality and Safety for Nurses (QSEN) competencies. The intent of these principles is to arm the graduate nurse with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) necessary to provide optimal patient care. Upon completion of the program, the graduate will have demonstrated the ability to:

  1. Recognize the patient or designee as the source of control and full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient's preference, values, and needs.
  2. Function effectively within nursing and inter-professional teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making to achieve quality patient care.
  3. Integrate best current evidence with clinical expertise and patient/family preferences and values for delivery of optimal health care.
  4. Use data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and use improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of health care systems.
  5. Minimize risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance.
  6. Use information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision-making.

Graduates are eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN). Passing the examination qualifies the individual to apply for licensure as a registered nurse in any state. The program prepares the graduate for employment in entry-level positions in a variety of health care settings and areas of nursing practice. The program is designed as a transfer degree and will satisfy core requirements at Idaho public colleges and universities which offer RN to BSN programs.

The Associate's Degree Nursing program is approved by the Idaho Board of Nursing and is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. Inquiries can be made by contacting the above agencies at: Idaho Board of Nursing, P.O. Box 83702, Boise, ID 83720-0061, (208) 334-3110,, and/or Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc., 3390 Peachtree Road N.E. Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA, 30326 or

The Associate's Degree Nursing program has a competitive entry process requiring specific prerequisite courses. See below for details regarding specific requirements. It is highly recommended that potential applicants meet with an advisor as they begin planning their pre-nursing coursework. Licensed Practical Nurses (PNs) are eligible to apply for advanced placement. PNs must meet the same admission criteria as other program applicants. In order to be eligible for advanced placement into the ADN Program, students will need to successfully complete the PN fall and spring transition course (NURS-196).

In addition to the regular college admissions requirements, students applying for the Registered Nursing program need to complete a Nursing program application, which consists of:

  1. Application for admission to NIC (if not already complete). New and former students must complete the formal admissions process as listed for Degree-Seeking (Matriculating) students.
  2. Associate Degree Nursing program PN to RN Advanced Placement program application.
  3. Official college transcripts.
  4. Results from the entrance exam (see application packet for information on scheduling the exam).
  5. Applicants who have attended any other nursing program other than NIC, and not completed that program, must submit a statement regarding eligibility for readmission to each nursing program previously attended. The statement must be a on school letterhead and must come from a dean or director of the program.  

Application forms may be obtained from the Admissions Office and on the NIC website two months prior to the application deadline.

  1. If the HS program or GED is in progress, the completion of 12 or more college-level credits is required. Final HS transcript or GED must be received prior to starting the Nursing Program.
  2. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on degree requirements.
  3. Meet the Associate's Degree Nursing Program Essential Abilities Policy 7.01.01.
  4. TEAS adjusted individual score ≥ 58.7%.
  5. If degree requirements are not completed, must be eligible to enroll in ENGL-102 or higher.
  6. If degree requirements are not completed, must be eligible to enroll in a GEM 3 Math.
  7. ENGL 101, ENGL 102, COMM 101, BIOL 227, BIOL 228, MICRO BACCT 250, PSYC 101, SOC 101, One GEM 3 Math course form the math list for the A.S. degree must be completed with a C/2.0 or higher prior to starting the NURS courses.
  8. 750 hours of PN work documented within the previous 3 years. 

For more information and to see the point system used, please see our RN Admission Requirements.

Enrollment in the Nursing program is limited. Because of the number of applicants, completion of all admission requirements does not ensure acceptance into the program. Candidates for admission are selected from the pool of qualified applicants using a point-based process. Students with the highest point total will be accepted until the designated enrollment limit is reached. An alternate list will be developed using the same process.

Specific information on the selection process and point system are available two months prior to the application deadline and can be obtained from the NIC Admissions Office, (208) 769-3311, or from this web page.

  1. The additional coursework required to meet the A.S. degree requirements that are not completed at the time of admission to the Nursing program must be completed no later than the sequence identified in the nursing curriculum in order to meet prerequisites for nursing courses. All required courses must be completed by the end of the program.
  2. The Admissions Office will determine the transferability of courses from other colleges.
  3. The Nursing Department will determine if previous nursing credits will be acceptable for transfer.
  4. A criminal background check will be required upon acceptance into the nursing program. Violations that appear on the criminal background check may result in denied access to clinical sites and therefore inability to complete the program.
  5. Students with visible body art may be denied access to clinical sites, which could result in the inability to complete the program.

North Idaho College Registered Nursing NCLEX Pass Rates

Calendar year percentages are based on data reported by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN). Reports are issued on a quarterly and annual basis and are calculated based on dates in which students took the licensure exam. Graduating class percentages are calculated based on pass rates in each cohort.

Calendar Year 2020 2021 2022
Pass Rate for 1st time test takers at North Idaho College 95.08%
National Average Pas Rate for 1st time test takers (Associate Degree Registered Nursing) 82.80% 78.78% 77.91%
National Average Pass Rate for 1st time test takers (Bachelor Degree Registered Nursing) 90.29% 86.06% 82.32%


Graduating Class

(N= Number of graduates in the class)
NIC ADN Pass Rate Generic Pass/Total Taken Generic Pass Rate LPN to RN Pass/Total Taken LPN to RN Pass Rate
May 2018 (30) 100% 24/24 100% 6/6 100%
December 2018 (25) 100% 25/25 100% N/A N/A
May 2019 (30) 100% 27/27 100% 3/3 100%
December 2019 (28) 92.85% 26/28 92.85% N/A N/A
May 2020 (34) 97.06% 27/28 96.43% 6/6 100%
December 2020 (25) 96% 23/24 95.83% 1/1 100%
May 2021 (39) 94.87% 37/39 94.87% N/A N/A
December 2021 (44) 90.90% 34/38 89.47% 6/6 100%
May 2022 (32) 90.63% 29/32 90.63% N/A N/A
December 2022 (40) 97.5% 34/35 97.14% 5/5 100%

Both the Health Professions and Nursing Division calculate GPA on transfer courses using the following method:

  • GPA will be calculated on a lower transfer credit level, but never a higher transfer credit level. (Example: Lab science courses may transfer to NIC as 5 credits, rather than the NIC equivalent of 4 credits. In this scenario, the GPA will be calculated on 4 credits rather than 5 credits.
  • Courses that transfer to NIC from a quarter system may transfer over at a lower credit rate. (Example: Biol-227 or 228) may transfer at 3.3 credits rather than 4 full credits. Comm101 may transfer at 2.6 credits rather than 3 full credits. In this scenario, the GPA will be calculated on the lower credit level.
  • Transfer courses are calculated using the tenths decimal place rather than the hundredths. (Example: If course transfers in at 3.35 credits the GPA will be calculated using 3.3 credits earned rather than 3.35 credits earned).

Examples Only

Course X Transfers to NIC at X CreditsNIC Program Will Award
Biol-227 & Lab = 5 Credits 4 Credits
Bact-250 & Lab = 3.35 Credits 3.3 Credits
Comm-101 = 2.68 Credits 2.6 Credits
Engl-101 = 3.35 Credits 3 Credits
Graduation Class of: # Students Beginning Program # Students Completing at 100% Time Success Rate at 100% Time # Students Completing in 150% Time Success rate at 150% Time
May 2019 38     31 81.57%
Generic 32     26 81.25%
LPN-RN 6     5 83.33%
Dec 2019 32     24 75.00%
May 2020 40     35 87.5%
Generic 32     28 87.5%
LPN-RN 8     7 87.5%
Dec 2020 32     25 78.13%
May 2021 39     39 100%
*Dec 2021
32 80% 39
7 6 85.71% 6 85.71%
May 2022 40

*December 2021 is first class with calculations for both 100% and 150% pass time. Reporting 100% completion percentages is a new ACEN Accreditation requirement.

*LPN-RN: Currently licensed LPN students graduating from Advanced Placement Track.

Program Snapshot

Degree Type Duration Path Credits
Associate of Science Degree 3 Semesters Full-time 58-60 Degree requirements