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American Indian Student Support

North Idaho College’s American Indian Student Center is dedicated to building community and a sense of place for tribal students. The center features a computer lab, study space and community center for tribal students and for members of NIC’s American Indian Student Alliance club. The American Indian Student Center also provides advising, academic support and resource referrals for students. 

NIC sits on the ancestral homelands of the Schitsu’umsh, or the Coeur d’Alene Tribe, and NIC recognizes and honors the sovereignty of the Coeur d’Alene Tribe through the 9 Point Agreement.

The American Indian Student Alliance is an NIC student organization comprised of active Native and non-Native students at NIC, Lewis-Clark State College and the University of Idaho with the commitment to celebrate Native American culture. We work together to support each other in educational pursuits and through life as a college student, and encourage members to be involved in leadership, social, educational and recreational events.

The AISA’s mission is written in its constitution and states the purpose of AISA shall be to:

  • Form a council representative of American Indian Student leaders and organizations.
  • Coordinate activities and opportunities of interest to American Indian students on campus.
  • Represent the interests of American Indian students at NIC, promote increased awareness of American Indian cultures and address issues of concern.
  • Develop a model of networking and cooperation among student leaders that creates and promotes professional and tribal networks for the future.
  • Manage fundraising for American Indian activities and events.


The AISA meets weekly to meet old and new friends, plan events and connect on the challenges and rewards of being an NIC student. Meetings are scheduled at noon on alternating Mondays and Tuesdays in the American Indian Student Center in the lower level of the SUB.

The AISA also hosts a study lab from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursdays in the American Indian Student Center in the lower level of the SUB.

The annual Che’nshish Scholarship has been awarded to an NIC student since 2010. The AISA received a $2,000 donation from the Kootenai Tribe in 2009, that enabled AISA leaders Tim Clark and Ryan Carden to establish the scholarship, which is self-funded by the Che’nshish Golf Scramble and other AISA events, including regular frybread and Indian taco sales, silent auctions and raffles.

AISA leaders received permission from the Coeur d’Alene Tribe to give the scholarship the name Che’nshish, which is the Coeur d'Alene expression meaning to assist, provide for and to give to others.

Scholarship Information

NIC students are eligible to apply for the Che’nshish Scholarship if they are:

  • First- or second-generation Native descendent (example: family member enrolled but following family member not enrolled).
    • Canadian enrolled and descendent
    • Native American enrolled and descendent
    • Alaska Native enrolled and descendent
  • A degree-seeking or certificate-seeking NIC student.
  • Enrolled in a minimum of six credits.

There is no minimum GPA required to apply for the scholarship, and applications are due in March each year.

Contact the American Indian Student Services office for more information and for applications.

Tribal Education Resources

Many tribal organizations emphasize the importance of education and provide academic and community support, resources and scholarships for students. The following list includes links to official education departments for many American Indian/Alaska Native tribes.

Native American Organizations, Resources and Information

The following resources are provided for those interested in American Indians/Alaskan Natives. These resources include demographics of state and federally recognized tribes within the United States, population figures, tribal contact information and home pages for tribes.