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international Travel Guidelines

A.  Employee International Travel

A-1. Approval for Employee International Travel

North Idaho College’s international travel guidelines apply to employees traveling out of the country for college authorized business and employees leading student travel groups. All international travel on behalf of the college requires the approval of both the division vice president and the college president.   

A-2.  Travel Safety and Security

The employee is responsible to review and follow recommendations of the U.S. Department of State website at, including but not limited to registering his/her trip with the Department of State (Smart Traveler Enrollment Program) at, signing up for e-mail updates for travel warnings, reviewing consular information, safety tips for traveling abroad, and emergency information.

The employee is required to research and obtain recommended immunizations for all countries through which they travel through the Center for Disease Control website at

A-3.  Employee International Liability Insurance

North Idaho College carries a foreign liability insurance policy for employees traveling on behalf of North Idaho College.  Complete and submit the Request for Employee International Travel Insurance to the Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs to confirm insurance coverage in the country in which you plan to travel. This liability insurance is provided at no cost to you or your department. If you have any questions, please call the Executive Assistant at (208) 769-3340.  

If, after review of the provided travel assistance services, the employee determines that additional coverage, benefits, or services are needed, they will be responsible for researching, enrolling, and paying the additional travel assistance service coverage.

A-4.  Employee Travel Duration of Six Months or Longer

For any international travel college activity that is anticipated to last six or more months, pre-approval must be obtained from the appropriate dean, vice-president and the president.  Some countries have compulsory business insurance, and Idaho Workers Compensation may be affected by the length of stay out of the country.

B. International Travel Student Groups

B-1.  Trip Planning and Approval

To be designated as a college sponsored trip, a North Idaho College employee will assume the role of the trip leader. The trip leader must obtain approval from the appropriate deans and divisional vice president, and the divisional vice president will obtain the approval of the president of the college before definitive travel arrangements and/or reservations are made. 

Employees who are responsible for planning and/or organizing student travel, or advising students/travelers about independent study that includes international travel, shall carefully review their responsibilities and seek appropriate advice and guidance in the planning stages. In addition to planning their travel schedules and program activities, trip leaders may find it helpful to utilize the college’s International Travel Checklist.

B-2.  Travel Safety and Security

Trip leaders are responsible to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to ensure the safety of any person involved in any activity for which that individual or organization is responsible.  The trip leader and all travelers will be responsible to review and follow recommendations of the U.S. Department of State website at website at, including but not limited to registering their trip with the Department of State (Smart Traveler Enrollment Program) at, signing up for e-mail updates for travel warnings, reviewing consular information, safety tips for traveling abroad, and emergency information.

Students/Travelers are required to research and obtain recommended immunizations for all countries through which they travel through the Center for Disease Control website at

B-3. Student Medical Insurance and Travel Assistance Services

Students and other travelers are required to have, at their own expense, adequate health, accident, evacuation and repatriation of remains insurance. Students/Travelers must obtain such coverage before participating in college-sanctioned travel. Proof of coverage, including contact information of company and policy number should be with the traveler at all times and a copy must be provided to the trip leader.  The U.S. State Department will refer students to companies that provide these services at their website

B-4. Procedure for Acknowledgement of Risk and Waiver of Liability (Waiver): 

Each Student/Traveler must sign an acknowledgement of risk and waiver of liability (waiver) before participating in student travel. Waivers are arranged only through the Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs in conjunction with legal counsel and must not be altered in any way. Once reviewed and approved, the waiver form will be sent to the employee leading the trip to obtain signatures from all travelers prior to departure. Trip leader will collect waivers from the travelers; original completed waiver is to be returned to the Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs at least 60 days before departure, with departments retaining a copy for their records. Students/travelers who refuse to sign a waiver will not be authorized to travel as a participant of the college.