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Enterprise Systems Prioritization

A. Introduction.

Information systems provide access and efficiency for the college’s students and those who serve them. The management of the college depends upon decisions made from accurate, defined and consistent data collected in its official records systems.

Collectively, the information systems comprise an architecture where changes need to be made in a planned and coordinated manner to increase the capabilities of the people using and depending upon the information to support the college mission.

B. President’s Cabinet Interest and Role.

The President’s Cabinet guides and directs major resources to improve the institution. Systems, whether created or acquired, have both initial and ongoing costs. Periodic review of the roster of planned system investments will help those requesting and constructing systems attend to the analysis of benefits and costs prior to systems implementation. A deeper understanding of the capabilities of existing systems would also provide advantages when making various institutional decisions.

C. Enterprise Systems Priority Council.

To develop an effective process for determining and prioritizing systems adoption, President’s Cabinet has established an Enterprise Systems Priority Council to focus on the planning and delivery of new systems and major upgrades. This group will recommend the prioritization, direction and value of additions and changes to college information systems.

Key responsibilities and activities of the Council include:

  • Assessing enterprise systems needs and presenting appropriate recommendations to the President’s Cabinet.
  • Making mid-level decisions regarding requests for enterprise systems and communicating those decisions to college departments.
  • Staying informed and knowledgeable about the capabilities of the many integrated information systems in use at the college.
  • Ensuring that major enterprise systems acquisitions are appropriately considered, authorized, planned, and communicated in formal project plans and other documents.
  • Monitoring progress on systems investments and
  • Serving as an effective forum for communication to, from, and among various college

Membership on the Council will include these positions:

Membership will include functional leaders who have decision making authority concerning priorities, staffing and budget, and, responsibility for one or more enterprise information systems.

  • Manager of Applications Development, Chair
  • Executive Director of Human Resources
  • Director of Financial Aid
  • Registrar/Director of Admissions
  • Controller
  • Director of eLearning
  • Director of Communications and Marketing
  • Director of Auxiliary Services
  • Director of Institutional Effectiveness
  • Administrative Support—Senior Administrative Assistant, Information Technology
  • Director of Information Technology (Ex Officio)

D. Prioritization Process.

Information systems that provide tangible, measurable benefits for students, faculty and staff will continue to garner support. Systems that provide seamless, integrated access to information services both in and out of the classroom will remain a high priority.

Interest in systems capabilities can come from many departments and managers throughout the college are encouraged to make suggestions and suggest improvements to their supervising Vice President. Systems considered will be tied to the college’s strategic planning.

The Information Technology department has specified oversight for computer software and other cost components required to affect quality delivery of information under the college’s Purchasing Guidelines. In addition, IT analysts knowledgeable about the abilities of currently owned systems are able to reduce costs by operating the smallest number of systems capable of providing the information needed.

Requests for analysis can be forwarded to Information Technology for architectural fit and cost/benefit analysis. Time estimates will also be provided. Major systems projects requiring significant college resources will be listed by Information Technology and priorities recommended to the President’s Cabinet by the Enterprise Systems Priority Council.

The Council will meet bi-monthly to review the progress on systems requests. At the request of the President or at least twice per year, the President’s Cabinet will meet with a delegation from the Enterprise Systems Priority Council and review the request list and completed projects.

One of these meetings will be held in December to add value to the budget being created for the subsequent fiscal year.

Reprioritization will take place depending upon the institutions needs and resources and systems resources will be included in the annual budget preparation.

E. Coordination and Communications.

Communications with other groups depending upon the delivery of systems is paramount to provide cohesive institutional planning. Information Technology will provide an online teamsite linked to the MyNIC portal for the Enterprise Systems Priority council to publish information regarding systems to make this information available to the leadership of other interested groups. Here is an example list:

  • Colleague Operations Group (COG)
  • Faculty and Staff Assemblies
  • Portal Leadership Team (PLT)
  • Information Technology Policy and Planning Council (ITPPC)
  • Student Communications Committee (SCC)



These systems are comprised of software and data structures that add value to institutional business and educational processes. Students, instructors and staff develop the college’s official records and communications capabilities using information systems.


Systems with cost to create exceeding $ 50,000 in time, licensing, services, and hardware will be considered major projects. This definition will also include hosted systems exceeding a $ 20,000 annual licensing and hosting cost.