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Tobacco-Free College

Guideline:  Tobacco-Free College

Purpose Statement:

The purpose of this guideline is to reduce harm from second hand smoke, provide an environment that encourages individuals to be tobacco-free, and establish a college culture of wellness. To ensure a safe and healthy environment for its students, employees, and visitors, North Idaho College is a tobacco-free college. Smoking, tobacco use, and tobacco sales (including the use or sales of smokeless tobacco products) are prohibited on North Idaho College owned, operated, or leased properties including parking lots, walkways, sidewalks, sports venues, and college-owned and private vehicles parked or operated on College property.

For the purposes of this guideline, tobacco is defined as any type of tobacco product including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, electronic cigarettes, pipes, hookahs, smokeless or spit tobacco or snuff/snus.

The tobacco-free college guideline may not apply to specific activities (e.g. the practice of cultural activities by American Indians that are in accordance with the American Indian Religious Freedom Act; specific educational events where smoking is integral to artistic content).  Each exception must be approved in advance by the college president or designee and may occur for the duration of the event and within the parameters specified.

North Idaho College reserves the right to initiate disciplinary procedures against any individual found to be in continuous violation of this guideline.

Procedure Statement

North Idaho College is committed to maintaining a healthy and safe environment conducive to learning for ALL students, employees, and visitors. The purpose of the tobacco-free college guideline is to reduce harm from second hand smoke, provide an environment that encourages individuals to be tobacco-free and establish a college culture of wellness.

NIC Guideline prohibits the use, distribution, or sale of all tobacco products including traditional cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, electronic cigarettes, pipes, hookahs, smokeless or spit tobacco or snuff/snus. It applies to all areas of the NIC College and all NIC Activities including:

  • NIC owned residences including the Residence Hall
  • The North Idaho College beach front
  • All NIC owned or leased vehicles
  • The sale of tobacco products on college
  • The free distribution of tobacco products on college
  • The acceptance of money or gifts from tobacco companies
  • Tobacco advertisements in college-sponsored publications.

Implementation and Enforcement

Effective implementation of the NIC Tobacco-free College Guideline depends upon the courtesy, respect, and cooperation of all members of the NIC community.

Year one implementation and enforcement activities include:

  1. The guideline will be communicated to the public through the college website, advertisements, and media coverage.
  2. Signs declaring a tobacco-free college will be posted at all college entrances, drives, and conspicuous places, including outreach facilities.
  3. Employees/students will be advised of the provisions of this guideline upon hire and during orientation.
  4. Educational materials and programs will be created and distributed.
  5. Marketing materials will be created and distributed.
  6. Courtesy tickets and educational/wellness materials will be issued to violators by student leaders, administrators, staff, and College Security.
  7. Supervisors will enforce the policies with their employees by providing warnings and educational/wellness materials.
  8. Visitors or other non-employees will be politely informed of the guideline and provided with information explaining the guideline in a supportive and educational manner.

Evaluation and Next Steps:

  1. At the midpoint and at the end of the first year, the success of the guideline will be reviewed.
  2. If the program is viable, manageable, and enforceable, it may be reconsidered as a potential college policy.

Enforcement Protocol:

  1. College Security officers will use their discretion when enforcing this guideline and may issue a written warning, citation, or fine.
  2. Educational/wellness materials and programs will continue.
    1. Continued non-compliance, complaints or disputes resulting from enforcement of this guideline will be brought to the attention of College Security
    2. If resolution is not reached, employees who violate the guideline are subject to disciplinary action by the Director of Human Resources, with disciplinary action to be determined at the end of the initial implementation year.
    3. If resolution is not reached, students who violate the guideline are subject to disciplinary action by the Dean of Students, with disciplinary action to be determined at the end of the initial implementation year.
  1. Visitors or other non-employees will be politely informed of the guideline and provided with information explaining the guideline in a supportive and educational manner. Continued non-compliance may result in College Security issuing a warning or escorting the visitor from the premises.

Cessation Programs and Services:

Tools will be available to assist in cessation for each group, and the college will advertise and promote opportunities for free tobacco cessation programs and treatment. These tobacco cessation opportunities shall be publicized regularly in student and employee publications, posted in residence halls and academic buildings, throughout Student Services or other appropriate means.