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Fleet Services Operational Guidelines

Vehicle Use Guidelines and Driver Safety

North Idaho College’s Vehicle Use Guidelines and driver safety program are implemented under the directive of the Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs in cooperation with the college’s insurance carrier.  These Vehicle Use Guidelines apply to all North Idaho College employees, students, and other authorized drivers who may operate a vehicle for college business. Our goal is the safety of NIC drivers and passengers.

  1. All drivers must view and acknowledge North Idaho College’s Vehicle Use Guidelines.
  2. In addition, passenger van drivers must view the Van Safety Training.
  3. Click here to complete and submit Van Safety Training Quiz.

Questions regarding NIC’s Vehicle Use Guidelines or the college’s vehicle risk management can be directed to the Executive Assistant for Finance and Business Affairs: 769-3340  

Fleet Vehicle Reservation/Authorization

If you and drivers you are authorizing have completed the yearly requirements listed above for vehicle use and driver safety, please complete the reservation process by logging in to 25Live.

Questions?  Contact Hiedi Schrader at 769-5992. 

Verification of Driver’s Eligibility

Once Fleet Services has verified your completion of the Vehicle Use Guidelines and driver safety training, Fleet Services will verify your driver’s license.  Full-time faculty and staff driver’s licenses will be verified yearly; students, part-time staff and volunteer’s licenses will be verified at each vehicle check-out. 

Van Test Drive

New or inexperienced van drivers will be provided with a van test drive by Fleet Services, which will be documented with NIC’s test drive form. 

Vehicle Familiarization

Fleet Services will do a walk-around inspection of your vehicle with the driver to familiarize you with your vehicle.  Your vehicle will be ready with a full fuel tank and fluid levels.  Be sure you verify the location of the vehicle registration, insurance identification card and emergency contact information.

Emergency Contact Information:


Emergency Assistance for Vehicle Accidents or Injuries:



Fleet Services:

For assistance with mechanical problems during business hours



Campus Security (24 hours):

For assistance with campus emergency notifications after hours



Vice President of Finance & Business:

For accident reports and insurance claims



Insurance Coverage

North Idaho College fleet Vehicles are covered by Idaho Counties Risk Management Program (ICRMP), with sufficient coverage to meet the requirements of Idaho Code, Section 49-245. Vehicle insurance identification cards are located on the driver’s visor, listing ICRMP’s contact information and policy number.  Please note our ICRMP insurance policy only covers vehicles for authorized travel in the United States and Canada. 

Accident Reports 

Drivers must report all vehicle accidents as soon as possible to the Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs.  Accident reports, insurance claims and negotiations are to be directed to the Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs.  The Business Office will authorize and coordinate alternate travel arrangements if your vehicle is not safe for continued operation.

Note:  Employees injured in the performance of their job must notify their supervisor and complete Worker’s Compensation reports through Human Resources. 

Charges for Fleet Vehicles

Your department budget will be charged .65 cents per mile, which covers all fuel and maintenance charges for fleet vehicles. If drivers pay for emergency fleet vehicle expenses out-of-pocket on a trip (for example a flat tire repair), they or their department budget will be reimbursed from the Fleet Services budget with proper documentation.

Fleet Services Credit Card

If you are traveling outside of the area, you will be provided with an NIC Fleet Services credit card for fuel purchases only.  Keep your fuel receipts and turn them into Fleet Services at the conclusion of your trip. Exceptions for credit card use may be pre-authorized by the Director of Facilities or Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs for emergency repairs of $1000 or under that will allow continued safe operation of the vehicle.

Comment Cards

Comment cards are to be located in vehicles and/or provided to drivers upon request.  All comment cards are to be returned to Director of Facilities.