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Bulletin Board Guidelines

Bulletin boards throughout North Idaho College campuses (including all buildings on the Coeur d’Alene campus and outreach locations in Post Falls, Rathdrum and Sandpoint) are part of the college’s official strategic communications plan. They are intended for posting news and events targeted toward current NIC students and are reserved primarily for use by internal college clubs, departments, and organizations. Flyers for jobs and housing will not be posted.

These bulletin boards are managed by the Communications and Marketing Department and are marked with a stamp on the bottom right. A staff member in each building will be assigned as the official monitor of their building’s bulletin boards. Official building bulletin board monitors are responsible for periodically checking their assigned bulletin boards and removing inappropriate or unapproved materials.

All flyers must be submitted to the Communications and Marketing Department for approval prior to posting. Approved flyers will be marked at the bottom with an approval stamp and removal date. Flyers are typically processed every Friday and distributed to bulletin board monitors the following Monday to be posted.

Thank you for your cooperation!


For questions and inquiries please contact the Communications and Marketing Department at (208) 929-4059 or email