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Vehicle Use Guidelines


  1. These guidelines apply to all vehicles operated by any North Idaho College employees, student organizations and student employees, college departments, or other authorized person for college business. It includes all rented, leased, college owned, or any other vehicle operated for college business. The purpose is to provide safety for drivers and occupants, and reduce the potential for injuries and property damage resulting from motor vehicle-related accidents.

  2. Employees, students and other authorized persons operating motor vehicles on behalf of North Idaho College shall always drive safely, legally and courteously.

  3. All drivers are expected to operate vehicles in a safe and professional It is the policy of North Idaho College to provide a safe working environment that protects our employees and citizens from injury and property loss. North Idaho College considers the use of all vehicles part of the working environment. North Idaho College is committed to safe, responsible employee driving behavior that reduces the risk of personal injury and property loss.

  4. These guidelines apply to all employees and agency “volunteers” who operate vehicles on college business. Volunteer drivers will be referred to as “employee drivers” and will be reviewed by managers and supervisors to ensure full compliance with college policies and guidelines relating to the use and operation of motor vehicles. Volunteers are those that volunteer on a regular basis, not one-time.

2) USE 

  1. Vehicles owned, rented or leased by North Idaho College are reserved for official college business.

  2. Some employees may be assigned a college owned vehicle that is driven home when it is to the advantage of the college. The use of this vehicle will be restricted to the conduct of official college business, unless stated otherwise in the employee’s employment contract. Such personal use, if allowed, may be a taxable benefit. Agency Owned Vehicles

    Personal Vehicles on Agency Business are subject to the requirements of these guidelines including:

    1. Maintain auto liability insurance with minimum state limits and provide proof of same upon request.

    2. Possess a valid driver’s

    3. Maintain personal vehicle in a safe operating condition when driven on college

    Rented/Leased Vehicles on Agency Business are subject to these guidelines including:

    1. Rental/leasing of vehicles is only authorized when a college-owned vehicle is unavailable.

    2. Whenever possible, you must utilize the State of Idaho vehicle rental contract vendor, currently Enterprise Rent-A-Car and National Car Rental (Contract ID XZ47IDS). The state contract rate is inclusive of insurance coverage with $1,000,000.00 liability coverage CSL (combined single limit) and full vehicle collision/damage coverage with no deductible. If another vendor is utilized, your rental agreement must include comparable insurance to the Idaho state contract vendor.

    3. You must comply with the minimum age requirements for drivers and all terms per your car rental agreement or lease.

  3. Van Use: Due to the unique driving conditions that operators of vans experience, all authorized drivers of college owned, rented or leased passenger vans must complete a mandatory college van safety training sponsored through the Office of Resource Management.

    1. Only authorized drivers eighteen (18) years of age or older may operate a college owned or rented 12 passenger van. If driving a rented or leased van, you and your relief drivers must comply with the rental or leasing agency’s minimum age requirement.

    2. Van drivers must complete the required van safety training every 12 months. Students, volunteers and inexperienced van drivers are required to familiarize themselves with the vehicle and test drive the vehicle prior to check-out and/or loading with passengers.

    3. Exceptions will be made for drivers currently possessing a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) with a passenger endorsement.

    Note: All 15 passenger vans have been eliminated from the campus fleet. Any North Idaho College owned, rented or leased van is limited to no more than 12 occupants. You may not exceed the seatbelt capacity for 12 or fewer occupants.

    For further details concerning the van safety program, contact the office of the Vice President for Resource Management.


  1. Each employee assigned to a North Idaho College vehicle or employees who operate a North Idaho College fleet vehicle are required to have a valid driver’s license. Should an employee’s driver’s license expire, be revoked or suspended, the employee shall immediately notify his or her supervisor. At the time of the suspension, the employee’s North Idaho College vehicle-use privileges will be suspended until the employee’s driver’s license has been fully restored and validated.

  2. Each employee assigned or permitted to operate a North Idaho College vehicle shall be responsible for the following:

    1. Proper and safe operation of the vehicle.

    2. Participate in vehicle safety training as required by North Idaho College.

  3. The assigned or permitted driver may allow other qualified persons to operate the vehicle as a relief driver. The relief driver should be identified to Fleet Services prior to the trip whenever The relief driver must have a valid driver’s license and be at least 18 years of age. Relief drivers of rented or leased vans must meet the minimum age established by the rental or leasing agency. The relief driver shall comply with all the requirements of the North Idaho College Vehicle Use Guidelines and safety training.


North Idaho College may evaluate and select employees as drivers of North Idaho College vehicles based upon their driving ability and past history. To evaluate employees as drivers, the college may:

  1. Review driver’s license
  2. Ensure that the driver has a valid driver’s
  3. Ensure the driver is qualified to operate the type of vehicle he/she will
  4. Require new or inexperienced drivers to test drive the
  5. Review past driving performance and work experience through reference checks with previous employers.


Except as authorized herein, all drivers and passengers are required to utilize seatbelts as mandated by law. Exception: Sworn law enforcement officers and North Idaho College security officers may dispense with wearing safety restraints in specific tactical situations or when it reasonably appears that, due to unusual circumstances, wearing a seatbelt would hinder rather than increase safety (Idaho Code 49-673(2)(b).


The driver of a North Idaho College vehicle, or any other vehicle being used for North Idaho College business, is prohibited from using a mobile communication device, cell phone or computer of any type while the vehicle is in motion. Drivers must be safely parked before using phone or mobile computer equipment. An exception will be made for limited use of a hands-free communication device (such as Bluetooth) as long as its use is in compliance with all laws and its use is not a distraction to driving. A mobile communication device is defined as “a text messaging device or a wireless, two-way communication device designed to receive and transmit voice or text communication.”


This does not apply to North Idaho College work-related two-way radios for Facilities Operations staff, sworn law enforcement officers and North Idaho College security officers for communication devices in specific tactical situations.


Smoking is expressly prohibited in all North Idaho College vehicles.


  1. No alcoholic beverages are allowed in college owned vehicles.

  2. The driver must not operate a vehicle when his/her ability to do so is impaired or influenced by alcohol, illegal drugs or other illegal substances, prescribed or over-the- counter medication, illness, fatigue or Drivers should not drive if drowsy or in need of rest.

  3. The employee driver is obligated to report to his/her supervisor any reason that may affect his/her ability to drive safely.


Employee drivers must make sure that the current insurance card is kept in the vehicle at all times.


  1. In the event of an accident, the driver shall, when possible, first check on the safety and welfare of all persons involved and seek immediate medical attention should it be required for themselves or others. If possible, move the vehicle to a safe location out of the way of traffic.

  2. Drivers shall always have a police officer investigate any accident that involves a North Idaho College This will help ensure that North Idaho College is protected from unwarranted claims. Do not discuss fault or sign anything from anyone except for a police officer, a representative from ICRMP or an authorized representative of North Idaho College as designated by the Vice President for Resource Management. In addition, drivers shall notify Fleet Services as soon as possible and report the extent of property damage involved.

  3. Drivers shall notify their supervisor of all vehicle accidents in the course of college business as soon as possible and report the extent of the injuries and property damage involved.

  4. Drivers shall cooperate fully with ICRMP Claims Department in the handling of the claim.


All fines and other criminal penalties due to violations of the law by the driver are the personal responsibility of the driver of any vehicle driven on behalf of North Idaho College. These costs are not reimbursable by North Idaho College.


  1. Maintenance and upkeep of all North Idaho College vehicles are the responsibility of Fleet Services and Facilities Operations.

  2. A pre-trip inspection of the vehicle should always be made by the driver at the beginning of each trip to include, but not limited to, lights, horn, wiper blades, tires, glass, mirrors, seatbelts, and fluid leaks.

  3. If the North Idaho College vehicle is in need of service or repairs, Fleet Services should be contacted.

  4. If Fleet Services personnel are unavailable, exceptions will be made for emergency repairs for $500 or under that will allow continued safe operation of the vehicle. These repairs may only be authorized by a college employee who must complete and sign the appropriate documentation.


The undersigned hereby acknowledges that while I am operating a North Idaho College owned, leased or college insured vehicle, I understand that this vehicle is to be regularly maintained and serviced, according to the service schedule outlined in the owner’s manual or the instructions issued by Fleet Services, whichever is appropriate.

Further, it is agreed this vehicle will be operated in a safe manner, in compliance with the North Idaho College Vehicle Use Guidelines. I agree to be responsible for all traffic and parking violations that occur while the vehicle is assigned to me.

I understand articles of this agreement apply regardless of who is operating this vehicle.

I agree to promptly report all accidents or incidents resulting in injury or damage to the vehicle or other property, no matter how slight.

I understand I am required to maintain a valid driver’s license. Further, I herewith grant North Idaho College the right to investigate my driver’s license record any time. I will provide my driver’s license to North Idaho College upon request.

I understand the operation of this vehicle in a safe operating condition is my responsibility. If this vehicle becomes unsafe, it is my responsibility to notify my supervisors immediately.

I have read and agree to the provisions of this vehicle assignment agreement and the requirements of the North Idaho College Vehicle Use Guidelines.

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