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Business and Accounting Services


The Business Office of North Idaho College has been established to properly account for the funds that are received to run the College and to assure the integrity of the College’s assets. Student Accounts is a component of the Business Office. It is the goal of the Business Office to develop procedures for receipting of cash, acquisition of supplies and equipment, management of accounts payable and payroll services, and the accurate reporting of transactions and balances. Reports are available to the departments through our Datamart Report Server accounting system.

Student Accounts (Bursar) Services:

Student Accounts (Bursar) services are comprised of the following:

Assessing students for tuition and fees: The Bursar helps the Vice President for Student Services and the Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs as well as the Controller in setting the Tuition and Fees that are assessed to the students each year.

Collecting payments from students: Student Accounts is responsible for collecting payments from students. The Bursar authorizes “HOLDS” placed on student records when needed.

Processing authorization forms from outside governmental agencies for tuition and fees: Student Accounts receives and posts payment authorizations from outside government agencies and bills the agencies each semester.

Accounting for all federal and state financial aid grants: Student Accounts keeps sub-ledgers for all federal and state financial aid grants. This includes processing draw-downs into North Idaho College’s federal funds account and monthly reporting to the Financial Aid department.

Processing Financial Aid refunds: Student Accounts is responsible for processing and disbursing residual funds from financial aid. This includes transferring funds from the various aid sources in order to keep all account in balance. Disbursement of residual funds is handled by a third-party administrator.

Printing and processing 1098-T forms: Student Accounts is responsible for the annual processing, printing and disbursement of the federal 1098-T forms. This includes keeping up-to-date on the laws governing this requirement.

Management of the cashiering function: Student Account Technicians and Accounts Receivable Technicians report directly to the Bursar. The Bursar is responsible for supervision, annual performance evaluations and management of daily operations.

Cashiering Services: The services provided at the cashier’s window of Student Accounts may include receipt of payments. Cashing of checks is not allowed. The cashier can receive payments via cash, check, VISA and Master Card.

Management of returned (NSF) checks: Any check that is issued to NIC and returned because of insufficient funds or for any other reason is considered a “returned check”. A fee for returned checks may be charged. The returned check will be charged back to the account that originally received the credit. If the returned check is from a student, Student Accounts will place a financial hold on the student’s record. The Accounts Receivable Technician will attempt to contact all returned check individuals to request payment.

Other Services: Student Accounts also handles the following:

  • Processes all paperwork for Return to Title IV funding.
  • Handles Collections procedures through various outside Collection Agencies.

Asset Management Services:

Please review Chapter Five of the Administrative Services Operational Guidelines Manual for a full description of Asset Management (Furniture & Equipment acquisitions).

Accounts Payable Services:

Please review Chapter Six of the Administrative Services Operational Guidelines Manual for a full description of Purchasing.

Payroll Services:

The Business Office in coordination with the Human Resources Office ensures the timely processing of payroll information, the calculation and distribution of federal and state taxes, the deduction of benefit payments and the distribution of funds to employees, taxing and garnishing agencies, and benefit program providers. In order to process payroll for the large number of employees, there are clear requirements that have to be met and processes that must be followed.

Payroll Deadlines: Payroll at NIC is processed biweekly (every two weeks) with payments generally made on the Friday following the end of a pay period.  The two week pay period will always begin on Monday and end Sunday at midnight.  All employee’s time should be submitted to their supervisor through web time entry by 10 AM the Monday following the pay period end date.  Supervisors must approve their employee’s time through web time entry by noon the Monday following the pay period end date.  A payroll calendar of the exact payroll dates is available on the Payroll page of the Human Resources MyNIC site.

New Employees: All new employees must complete payroll documents with the Human Resources office. No persons should begin work until the W-4 and I-9 forms have been received. Each department must follow the guidelines established at the Human Resources Office for setting up new positions and for filling vacant positions.

Changes in insurance or other benefit forms should be submitted to the Human Resources Office.

Direct deposit information or changes in tax withholdings should be submitted to the Business Office.

Employee payroll distribution: The College requires that all employees receiving payroll related payments utilize direct deposit.

Employees will need to complete the Direct Deposit Form to have their paychecks directly deposited to the bank of their choice. By completing the direct deposit form, the employee authorizes the College to directly transfer their payroll funds to a specific bank account or paycard.  If the employee chooses not to have their paycheck deposited to a bank of their choice, payroll will issue a paycard to the employee after first communicating with the employee.   

Other payroll services: Notification of payroll errors, missing tax statements, or web time entry issues should be directed to the Business Office. Wage verification for financing institutions and state agencies is done through Human Resources. Verifications for loans and credit are normally done in writing and only if the employee has signed a release.

Retirement Information: Retirement information is available at either the Human Resources Office or the Business Office.

Administrative Services:

Reports via Colleague: The Colleague computerized accounting system allows for budget officers to print and view financial reports from their own computers. These reports can be generated on a monthly or year-to-date basis. The Business Office can generate additional reports based on many different detailed criteria upon request and proper budget access.

Credit Cards: An NIC credit card may be issued by the Business Office for official College business. Personal purchases shall not be made using the College credit card. An issued card may not be transferred or loaned to anyone.

In cases when a purchase order is not acceptable to a vendor, an NIC credit card may be issued or used. Additionally, when the use of a credit card will reduce costs (such as online airfare, online room booking, online discount conference registrations) the use of an NIC credit card may be authorized by the Business Office. All purchases made with a credit card must be supported with full documentation required for purchases or travel and reconciled by the user of the card.

Purchases made locally are discouraged when vendors have been entered into the Colleague system and routine purchasing processes can be followed.

All cards shall be returned to the Business Office after the use for which they were provided, termination of employment, or upon request of the Business Office. Loss or suspected misuse of the College credit card must be reported to the Business Office immediately.

Other Electronic Equipment: PDA’s, laptop computers and their attachments may be obtained using College funds for official College use. Requests for acquisition must be made through NIC’s Information Technology department to ensure that the item is funded on the Equipment Replacement Schedule. Employees who obtain these items are responsible for the security of them. These items may be loaned to other College staff but shall be returned upon request or termination of employment. In cases where warranted, loss, damage, or misuse of these items may result in charges being assessed against an employee so the item(s) can be repaired, replaced or charges paid.