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Career Exploration

Starting the career exploration process can often be the most difficult and confusing step. Take advantage of our three-step process and services to find the career you want and the path to get there.

Exploration Process

Step 1: What Do I Want?

The first step is to learn about yourself and what it is you want! Take advantage of our Career Goal Workshops, self-assessment tests and other resources to find out what interest areas and pathways will lead you to a fulfilling career.

Get Started

Step 2: Explore and Learn

There are many options available to you once you know what you want. Learn about the Idaho Career Information System, additional guidance centers, biographies and career guides that will help you learn more about your desired career path.

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Step 3: How Do I Get There?

Learn how your strengths match and work with North Idaho College’s programs and opportunities and how they can teach and provide you with the skills needed in those fields.

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