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Employment Verification Requests

How to Submit Your Request:

Current NIC employees:

Contact The Work Number® at
For additional contact information, refer to FAQ #1 below.

A new, current NIC employee that has not yet received a paycheck:

Send employment verification request to

A former employee who terminated ON or AFTER January 1, 2019:

Contact The Work Number® at
For additional contact information, refer to FAQ #1 below.

A former employee who terminated PRIOR TO January 1, 2019:

Send employment verification request to

The Work Number - User Guide



Employee Service Center:

The Work Number can provide an employee’s:

  • Current or most recent job title
  • Dates of employment
  • Year to Date (YTD) Salary
  • Employment status (Active/Inactive, Full/Part-Time)

The Work Number cannot provide an employee’s:

  • Job information prior to January 1, 2019
  • Job duties or reasons for separation
  • Personal data
  • Professional certifications
  • Work schedule, attendance or timesheet information
  • Amount of sick/vacation time off
  • Wage/loss insurance forms
  • Performance information
  • Credentialing information

The information in The Work Number’s system is updated shortly after the close of every payroll cycle. Changes to an employee’s information made in the course of any given pay cycle will appear in The Work Number’s system by the pay date. Refer to the Payroll Approval Deadline Calendar page for additional detail.

The Work Number® uses the employer code of 4591372 to identify North Idaho College. You can use this code or type in North Idaho College into the employer search field to access information.

A salary key is a single-use, six-digit code that employees can provide to a verifier as consent to access your income information. However, consent is generally provided when signing an application (i.e. a loan application) so a Salary Key is generally not needed. However, if a verifier does request one, the employee can login to the website and a Salary Key can be printed or emailed with instructions to the verifier.

The choice you make is entirely dependent on the information you need. The descriptions of each are summarized below:

  • The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Form Fulfillment feature in The Work Number Employee Portal can help you leverage the employment data NIC contributes to help populate the PSLF form, which allows you to self-service pull the form quicker, typically without the need to engage the Human Resources office. Visit:, login and click on the Letter Center.
  • Immigration Letter: The Work Number service offers a faster, more private way to help provide proof of employment or income to certain governmental agencies including the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services, and some foreign governmental agencies or embassies. (Note that this verification pertains to employment and income only, and not to other information that may be needed during the processing of your request or application.) Visit:, login and click on the Letter Center.
  • Employment Letter*: This self-service letter can be used to provide proof of employment to a third-party outside of an employment verification request from a credentialed verifier. Visit:, login and click on the Letter Center.
  • Income and Employment Letter*: This self-service letter can be used to provide proof of income and employment to a third-party outside of an income and employment verification requests from a credentialed verifier. Visit:, login and click on the Letter Center.

*Please note, these documents are not suitable for use by lending institutions, credit agencies, pre-employment firms, property managers, or other private industry or social service agency entities who are determining an individual's eligibility for any employment, credit, governmental benefit or other purposes authorized under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). These letters do not comply with the underwriting requirements of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, nor do they satisfy other standards typically required for private industry and social service agency verifications. Please ask those verifiers to visit

Yes. The Work Number® can generate and complete forms on their website. Login to your account, select Letters Center to generate a PSLF form under type of Report.  See FAQ #1 for contact information if you have questions.

  • Benefited employees on the Alternate pay schedule should send their PSLF request to if the average hour amount in The Work Number® calculates to less than 30 hours.

If you notice something wrong or inaccurate on your Employment Data Report (EDR) call The Work Number Employee Service Center for assistance or select the Dispute Center tab once logged in:

  • 866-222-5880 M-F 8:00 am - 8:00 pm (ET)
  • TTY- hearing impaired: 800-424-0253

The Employer Code is 4591372

If you would like to put a freeze on your employment information available to verifiers, call The Work Number Employee Service Center for assistance or select the Data Freeze tab once logged in:

  • 866-222-5880 M-F 8:00 am - 8:00 pm (ET)
  • TTY- hearing impaired: 800-424-0253

The Employer Code is 4591372

The HR office does not provide verbal or electronic verifications or re-verifications.

However, the following self-service resources are readily available as proof of current employment:

  • The Work Number® provides NIC employees the ability to create a verification report or letter as needed. See FAQ #1 for contact information.
  • A year-to-date payslip (from the pay period immediately preceding the note date) can be printed/downloaded from Self-Service in MyNIC at any time.

Yes. The Work Number’s secure verification process meets the FCRA’s requirement of a permissible purpose1 for all employment verification requests. For income verification requests, verifiers must additionally certify to The Work Number® that they have employee consent.2

  1. “Permissible purpose” is an FCRA-compliant reason for requesting employment and/or income information. Common permissible purposes include: for the extension of credit, as part of an account review, for employment purposes, or when ordered by a court. A permissible purpose is required for each employment or income data request.

  2. “Employee consent” is the employee’s authorization for access to their employment and/or income information. Employee consent can be in the form of an ink signature, an electronic signature or a Salary Key. Verifiers must certify they have employee consent for each income verification request.