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Wellness Program Overview

Employee Wellness Logo

North Idaho College is dedicated to the health of our employees. Through our Wellness Program employees are empowered and incentivized to take charge of their health and wellness! Through the NIC employee wellness program, we have endeavored to provide opportunities for employees and their spouses/domestic partners to be informed and educated about wellness. These opportunities include:

  • Incentives of up to $1,500 for employee only coverage or up to $3,000 for employee + spouse/ domestic partner coverage in deposits to their health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) account
  • The convenience of on-site biometric screenings
  • Wellness exercise classes
  • Access to online health and wellness education through the online Vitality portal, a great health and wellness resource
Wellness class - group doing pushups

The ability to earn incentives is based upon the completion of a confidential biometric screening. Biometric screenings provide information to employees about blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose levels, and other related health indicators. These screenings help inform employees about their risk for diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and other chronic conditions.

Employees can earn points through the wellness program for a variety of designated health related activities including exercise, online education, and preventative medical appointments. These points accumulate and when specific thresholds are reached, a portion of the HRA incentive is deposited into the employee's account.  Employees interact with the Vitality portal through their website or mobile app.

Please note: To protect employee privacy, credit for the completion of the biometric screening will be determined by a third party partner.  NIC does not receive any details of an employee's biometric screenings.