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Mine Safety

Location: Workforce Training Center

Idaho Mine Safety Training Program

The Idaho Mine Safety Training Program at North Idaho College provides effective and quality safety training to miners, operators, and contractors throughout the State of Idaho and the surrounding region. Our Training Program adds emphasis to topics related to mine fatalities and injuries and is tailored to serve the region's diverse mining community. All classes meet the requirements of the U.S. Department of Labor Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA).

MSHA New Miner Training

These courses will prepare new miners and contractors for safety and health hazards involved in surface and/or underground mining operations. Topics include miners' rights and responsibilities, industrial hygiene, water hazards, explosives, fall prevention, first aid, respiratory protection, powered haulage, sliding material hazards and much more. Students who attend the underground class will receive certifications for both surface and underground mining operations.

This course meets the U.S. Department of Labor-Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) 30 CFR Part 46/48 requirements. Upon successful completion, a 5000-23 Certificate of Training will be issued.

Surface Part 46/48, Monday - Wednesday, $300

Underground Part 48, Monday - Thursday, $400

MSHA Annual Refresher Training

This one-day class will refresh experienced miners and contractors on the safety and health hazards involved in surface and underground mining. You are required to show your current or most recent 5000-23 Certificate of Training prior to class (per MSHA requirements).

This course meets the US Department of Labor-Mine Safety and Health Administration’s (MSHA) 30 CFR parts 46/48 and is designed for the experienced miner with a current 5000-23 Certificate of Training.

MSHA Part 48 Instructor Training Course

This 3-day course is a prerequisite to becoming an MSHA Approved Instructor. Participants who successfully complete the Instructor Training Course and are Approved by their respective MSHA District Office will be recognized as MSHA Approved Instructors and can conduct 30 CFR Part 46/48 Health and Safety Training.

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Course Overview and Prerequisites

Instructor Application

Registration Options

Online Registration: Click on the class you would like to attend. This will take you to the online registration page.


Email or Mail: Complete the registration form and send it to NIC Workforce Training Center.

Download Registration Form

Training Location: NIC Workforce Training Center: 525 S Clearwater Loop, Post Falls, ID

Part 46/48 New Miner & Annual Refresher Training

Whether preparing the new miner or refreshing the experienced miner, our courses will equip industry professionals for safety and health hazards involved in underground and surface mine operations. Topics include miners' rights and responsibilities, PPE, fall prevention, explosives, water hazards, powered haulage and accident prevention, rules to live by, and more. All classes meet the U.S. Department of Labor Mine Safety & Health Administration (MSHA) requirements.

Part 49 Mine Rescue Training

Our mine rescue and mine emergency training emphasize team safety, effective communication, organization, and critical decision-making skills under emergency situations. We work with companies to develop the 20-hour initial plan, a responsible persons training, and advanced skills training.

MSHA Part 48 Instructor Training Course

This 3-day course is a prerequisite to becoming an MSHA Approved Instructor. Students will gain the knowledge and skills to be effective Part 48 Trainers. The final evaluation of the students’ abilities and knowledge are forwarded to MSHA for final endorsement.

Compliance Assistance

We work with companies and operators to develop or revise training and program plans, task training, site-specific hazard training, and records management to address the conditions and hazards specific to their mines and help ensure MSHA requirements are met.

First Aid, CPR & AED Certification Training

This half-day course will prepare students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children and infants. We offer combination and stand-alone classes in First Aid, CPR, AED and Bloodborne Pathogens. Upon successful completion, students will receive their certification card.

  • First Aid, CPR & AED (2-year certification)
  • Bloodborne Pathogens (1-year certification)

On-Site Training

We will come to you. Our training is conducted on-site whenever feasible and is designed to be as site-specific as possible. After an initial inspection, the training program is adapted to address relevant findings. If your site does not have the appropriate classroom space, we can help coordinate one at a facility nearby.

Download our Rates and Fee Schedule

Mine Saftey Instructor Jason James

Jason James

Jason is the Program Manager and Instructor for the Idaho Mine Safety and Health Training Program at North Idaho College. With over 30 years in the mining industry, Jason is an MSHA-approved instructor who provides exceptional safety and health training to new and experienced miners. Specializing in Parts 46, 48, and 49 of CFR 30, Jason has been training miners for 15+ years. He has the following endorsements from MSHA: IU, IS, MR, and IN. Jason is also a Certified Occupational Safety and Health Specialist, a First Aid, CPR, AED Instructor, and OSHA Authorized Trainer for OSHA-10 and OSHA-30.

Contact Jason at or (208) 665-5062.

Allyson Zuk, Program Coordinator (bio coming soon)

Contact: or 208-625-2359

This material was produced under grant number MS-39009-22-55-16 from the Mine Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.