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3.11.01- Privacy of Health Information (HIPAA)

Policy Title: Privacy of Health Information (HIPPA)

Impact: All Benefited Employees


Effective Date: 3/31/2004

Last Update:

Relates to Procedure(s):

Legal Citation(s): 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

I. Policy Narrative

The North Idaho College Board of Trustees does hereby direct compliance with HIPAA and further direct that:

  1. A Privacy Officer be appointed who will implement the features of HIPAA.
  2. A contact person be appointed who will receive inquiries or complaints regarding the NIC policies, procedures or conduct.
  3. The president and administration to develop a detailed Privacy Manual. The Privacy Manual will set forth rules, policies regulations and procedures for insuring compliance with HIPAA.
  4. A copy of the Privacy Manual will be available on-line in the Administrative Procedures Manual, the Office of Human Resources and the Business Office.