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5.04.02 - Withdrawals - Instructor

Policy Title: Instructor Initiated Withdrawals

Impact: Students, Faculty


Effective Date: 8/27/2003

Revised Date: 5/27/2015

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure(s): 5.04.02

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative:

An instructor may initiate withdrawal of a student who fails to meet course requirements and interferes with the learning of others in the class. Withdrawals under this policy are separate from those covered as disciplinary violations of the Student Code of Conduct. If the student fails to respond after documented attempts to address the instructor’s concerns, the instructor must inform the student of the withdrawal and then provide documentation to the registrar’s office following the procedures.

A student who has been officially withdrawn before the close of business hours of the last day for withdrawal will receive a grade of W for the course(s). The student has the right to appeal the decision of the instructor.

Procedure Title: Instructor Initiated Withdrawals

Impact: Students, Faculty


Effective Date: 8/27/2003

Revised Date: 5/27/2015

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Policy(s): 5.04.02

Legal Citation(s):

I. Procedure Narrative:

An instructor may initiate withdrawal of a student who fails to meet course requirements and interferes with the learning of other students, by following the procedures described below.

Instructor’s Guidelines:

In order to withdraw a student, an instructor must follow this procedure:

  • In the course syllabus, an instructor must include language provided by the vice president for instruction’s office that outlines the possibility of an instructor-initiated withdrawal.
  • An instructor must include an attendance policy and course requirements on the course syllabus. An instructor must keep attendance records and documentation of students’ academic performance.
  • An instructor must notify a student through the student’s college e-mail, of the intention to withdraw the student at least three business days in advance of submitting the withdrawal paperwork to the Registrar’s Office. The instructor must make a copy of this e-mail, which will include the date sent.
  • Instructors must complete the Instructor-initiated Withdrawal form obtained either from the Registrar’s website or in person at the Registrar’s Office. A confirmation of the e-mail notification to the student must be attached to the withdrawal paperwork.
  • Instructors must indicate the student’s last day of attendance on the Registrar’s form.
  • All paperwork must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office no later than the last published date for withdrawals for an “IW” to be posted. Withdrawals after that date will result in an F for the course.
  • The instructor will maintain documentation that supports withdrawal.
  • If the instructor cannot meet the withdrawal deadline for the semester or any of the other conditions outlined in this procedure, the instructor may not assign a grade of ‘IW’.

Registrar’s Guidelines:

  • The Registrar’s Office will collect the Instructor-initiated Withdrawal form, with the confirmation of the instructor’s e-mail to the student, no sooner than three business days after notification has been sent to the student. The office will then withdraw the student.
  • The Registrar may deny an instructor’s request for withdrawal if the instructor did not follow the guidelines outlined above. Instructors may appeal the Registrar’s decision to the vice president for instruction.
  • Upon withdrawing the student, the Registrar’s Office will notify the student about their withdrawal, including instructions for an appeal.

Student Appeal Guidelines:

  • Before the “IW” goes into effect, a student may appeal the instructor’s intention to withdraw directly to the instructor before the paperwork is to be filed with the Registrar. The student must make an appointment with the instructor and present evidence that the action is unwarranted.
  • After the “IW” has been recorded, a student may appeal the instructor’s decision to the chair of the division up to five business days after the withdrawal paperwork has been filed. The student must make an appointment with the division chair and must present evidence that the action is unwarranted. The division chair will consult the instructor for his or her point of view in the matter.
  • If the instructor and division chair have denied the student appeal, within three business days the student may make an appointment with the appropriate dean and present evidence that the action is unwarranted. The dean will consult the division chair and instructor before making a decision. If the student’s appeal to the dean is denied, the student may appeal to the vice president for instruction. The decision of the vice president for instruction will be final.
  • To change an “IW” grade to a letter grade requires a completed grade change form submitted to the Registrar’s office.
  • The student may attend class during the appeal process.