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7.03 - Fundraising

Policy Title: Fundraising & Development



Effective Date: 5/27/2015

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date: 

Relates to Procedure(s): 7.03

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative:

It shall be the responsibility of the North Idaho College Development Department to coordinate fundraising and development efforts with the internal and external community to ensure continuity with college priorities, to match college needs with supporters, and to avoid conflict and duplication of effort in fundraising activities for and at North Idaho College.

  1. Requests for Donations:
    All requests for donations, whether of cash, equipment, real estate, or other items of value, made on behalf of North Idaho College shall have prior approval from the Development Department.

  2. Acceptance of Donations:
    All gifts of cash, equipment, real estate, and other items of value shall be accepted through the North Idaho College Foundation, Inc. unless otherwise specified by the donor and with mutual agreement by the college and then only with the prior approval of the college president and the director of the Development Department and executive director of the NIC Foundation.

  3. Evaluation of Cash and Non-cash Gifts:
    No gift shall be accepted by the North Idaho College Foundation or North Idaho College in cases where the gift, its intended use, or the identity of the donor might place the college in an embarrassing or compromising position.

    All gifts accepted by the Foundation or North Idaho College shall be in the college’s best interest and shall comply with Internal Revenue Service rules and regulations governing charitable contributions.  Gifts may not be restricted for the donor's direct benefit, nor shall any gift be accepted where restrictions make use of the gift impractical or prohibitively expensive.

  4. Coordination of Fundraising:
    All fundraising efforts shall be coordinated through the North Idaho College Development Department following the relevant procedures. Coordination is to ensure proper planning between the college, the North Idaho College Foundation, Inc., which focuses on institution-wide fundraising, and the North Idaho College Booster Club, Inc., which supports student athletes and athletic programs.

Procedure Title: Fundraising & Development



Effective Date: 12/21/1994

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Policy(s): 7.03

Legal Citation(s):

I. Procedure Narrative:

Fundraising efforts by North Idaho College programs, departments, faculty, staff or students must conform to the following:

  1. All efforts must receive prior approval through the Fundraising Approval Process coordinated by the NIC Development Department on behalf of North Idaho College;

  2. The activity or event is conducted with the knowledge and permission of the appropriate vice president, or the president in situations where no vice president supervises a college department or division;

  3. Students or staff should be fully informed of the nature and purpose of the fundraising event or activity and should be willing participants;

  4. Fundraising events that involve students or employees during or as part of an instructional or student services activity must have demonstrable value appropriate to the established curriculum of the program, services, and students involved;

  5. The fundraising entity should fully reimburse the college for any materials consumed as part of the event or activity and for all other related costs that would not otherwise have been incurred by the college unless formally agreed upon by the college in advance of the event/activity.

It shall be the responsibility of the Development Department:

  1. To coordinate fundraising activities on behalf of the College to ensure that those efforts reflect priorities established by the college and produce results consistent with its priorities, mission, and goals;

  2. To coordinate fundraising activities with the North Idaho College Foundation, Inc., which serves as the institutional fundraising organization for North Idaho College;

  3. To work closely with the following:
    1. Office of the College President to ensure fundraising activities meet priority needs;

    2. North Idaho College Foundation, Inc. and NIC Alumni Association on strategy, implementation, and accountability;

    3. Communications and Marketing Department to ensure continuity of message;

    4. Vice president for student services and the Financial Aid Department regarding disbursements of student scholarships;

    5. Vice president for business and finance regarding gifts of real estate or gifts of equipment intended for use by college support services personnel;

    6. Vice president for instruction, deans, and division chairs regarding gifts of equipment or other contributions intended for instructional support;

    7. North Idaho College Booster Club, Inc. to foster collaboration in fundraising efforts.

A. Management/Disposition of Gifts:

It shall be the responsibility of the Development Department to work with the NIC Foundation, Inc. to invest or otherwise manage gifts of cash, securities, and other assets to maximize their intended benefit to North Idaho College.  Non-cash gifts accepted by the Foundation for college’s needs shall require preapproval by the college division/department and shall be transferred to the designated department or division as quickly as practical.

B. Acknowledgment/Record Keeping:

It shall be the responsibility of the Development Department:

  1. To promptly and appropriately acknowledge all gifts to the college or Foundation;

  2. To keep accurate and complete records of donors, gifts, and their purposes and restrictions;

  3. To ensure that those purposes and restrictions are complied with to the fullest extent possible in collaboration with North Idaho College.