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7.05 - Textbook Adoption and Complimentary Copies

Policy Title: Textbook Adoption

Impact: Business Procedures

Responsibility: Office of Instruction

Effective Date: 12/22/1993

Revised Date: 5/28/2014

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure(s):

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative:

Adoption of textbooks and required course materials must be approved by the division chair, who consults with the bookstore manager for ordering. 

Complimentary copies of textbooks and course materials are not to be sold to any persons or organization, including solicitors or used book dealers.

Procedure Title: Textbook Adoption

Impact: Business Procedures

Responsibility: Office of Instruction

Effective Date: 5/28/2014

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Policy(s): 7.05

Legal Citation(s):

I. Procedure Narrative:

Requests for complimentary titles should match anticipated course needs.  Special order service is extended to all members of the college and community.