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Cybersecurity and Networking

Career and Technical

Location: Coeur d'Alene

Get Started
Tuition and Fees Cost of Attendance

Program Description

The Cybersecurity and Networking Basic Technical Certificate will teach students proficiency in basic personal computer and small network implementation. It will provide students with knowledge that will allow them to work with computer networks and build their basic cybersecurity skills.

Jobs appropriate for this certification include but are not limited to cabling technician computer network support specialist customer service and technical support and computer user support. This certificate prepares students for industry-recognized certification exams. Students can also apply credits towards a Network Security Administration or Computer Information Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree.

Seats are limited.* Registration begins in May until program is full.

View Degree Requirements

  1. Complete new application (not a change of major form)
  2. Have a GPA of 2.0 or higher in current college courses including any dual credit.
  3. Complete FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
  4. Provide one or more of the following for Math and English placement. Scores must be less than four years old.
    • RSAT Math score of 440+ (510 preferred), English score 370+ (450 preferred)
    • ACT Math score 16+ (20 preferred), English 12+ (16 preferred)
    • ALEKS Math Placement score 14+ (30 preferred)
    • The Write Class English score (3+ preferred)
    • Official college transcripts showing completed English and/or Math courses.
  5. Complete a Digital Literacy Assessment at NIC Testing Center or Outreach Center in your area. This step is temporarily suspended from 9/23/20 until further notice.
  6. Set up and check your student email** (Cardinal Mail) regularly for all further communications regarding your status for this program and for financial aid.
  7. Schedule an appointment with an advisor ASAP (208) 769-3448.
  8. Please contact the CTE advisor if you have questions, or if you wish to discuss taking classes prior to entering the program

* Failure to show up on the first day of classes without prior permission may result in your removal from the program for the next eligible person in line.

**Failure to respond to phone calls and/or emails may result in missing your opportunity to be in the program because of limited seating.

Program Snapshot

Degree Type Duration Path Credits
Basic Technical Certificate 2 Semesters Full-time 20 Degree requirements

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