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Transfer Program

Location: Coeur d'Alene, Online

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Tuition and Fees Cost of Attendance

Program Description

This program helps students appreciate the role of ideas in shaping and evaluating the broad range of human experience from ancient to modern times. Classes focus on how great thinkers considered issues concerning ethics human nature politics religion economics social change knowledge reality and sound reasoning.

Students learn to read critically to think logically to analyze and organize a wide variety of concepts to research and evaluate sources and to communicate clearly and effectively. Philosophy majors can apply their knowledge and skills to a wide range of professional fields such as business advertising media law health professions and education.

Completion of the following courses normally fulfills the first half of bachelor degree requirements in Philosophy. Course selections should be tailored to match the requirements of the intended transfer institution.

View Degree Requirements

Program Snapshot

Degree Type Duration Path Credits
Associate of Arts Degree 4/6 Semesters Full-time / Part-time 60-64 Degree requirements

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