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Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a real concern for everyone in the United States right now. They are an invasive species that are extremely difficult to contain and destroy. Colleges, multi-housing complexes, hotels, and residential areas are now working very hard to try to contain and eliminate these pests.

In an effort to keep NIC Residence Hall safe and clear of these pests, all incoming furniture will be inspected prior to being allowed into the Residence Hall.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Couches
  • Armchairs
  • Mattresses
  • Futons

NIC Residence Life has the right and responsibility to deny entry to any piece of furniture that has evidence of bed bug activity.

We highly recommend that you have any furniture that you are planning to bring to the residence hall thoroughly checked by a local pest control professional to ensure that it is clean and safe for use in the residence hall. A clean bill of record will be required to skip the inspection process.

We truly appreciate your cooperation in helping to maintain a healthy environment for the 200 other community members in the building. With a collaborative effort, we can make sure that these pests are kept outside the walls of our building.

If you have any further questions, please contact Paula Czirr, Residence Life Manager, at, (208) 769-5932 (office) or (208) 699-5124 (cell).

For further information about bed bugs, visit