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Student Services

Student Services

1200x800 900x900 Student Getting Student ID

Cardinal ID Card

Your official form of photo ID at NIC.

2 female students walking out of SUB

Student Union Building

Connect to campus and build a community.

1200x800 Student at Writing Center on a standing at a computer

Educational Resources

Find the resources you need to be successful.

Advising and Career Services Student and advisor

Career Services

Plan for success outside of college.

1200x800 Student Support Green Dot St Paddy's Day Event, two students giving a high five

Student Support

Get support and help as a student on campus.

students sitting at table talking

Student Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness are integral parts of a successful college career.

NIC Enrollment Services Ambassador

Develop leadership skills, connect with students and the community,  and help advance NIC’s mission.

Enrollment Services Ambassador

Arial view of NIC campus looking northwest

Campus Security

Safety and security are high priorities.

Campus Security

Female student holding a Parking Permit outside by a tree

Campus Parking

Purchase parking passes for campus.

Parking Services