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Policies and Procedures

Student Union Advisory Board

SUBJECT: Union Advisory Board Constitution
APPROVED: 7/9/2013
SUPERCEDES: 3/3/2011

Article I


Section 1: This board shall be known as the Edminister Student Union Advisory Board (SUAB).

Section 2: The word “Union” as used herein shall refer to an organization established to assist the College in providing facilities and programs in the furtherance of the curricular, extracurricular, and co-curricular aims of the institution.

Article II


Section 1: The purpose of the Student Union Advisory Board shall be to advise Auxiliary Services management regarding policies and procedures for facility use and to establish and recommend a plan for enhancing the community life of the college. The Student Union Advisory Board considers the provision of facilities, services, and amenities to the members of the college community by means of:

  1. Timely consultation with the student community, regarding their needs and desires, then,
  2. Deciding on responses to these needs, in conjunction with Auxiliary Services, and,
  3. Reviewing the implementation of these responses by Auxiliary Services.

Article III


Section 1: Serve Auxiliary Services and the College community through the enactment of Union policies or procedures consistent with the philosophy and purpose of the Association of College Unions—International, adopted at the association’s general membership in 1996. This statement is based on the Role of the College Union statement, 1956.

  1. The Student Union is an integral and vital part of educational life of the college, sharing goals of academic and personal development.
  2. The Student Union serves as a center and forum for the educational community – students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests. As a facility it provides services, conveniences, and amenities needed to enhance the daily life of the college.
  3. The Student Union is an organization designed to encourage students and other members of the college community to meet and share talents, interests, and ideas in an actionlearning setting.
  4. In all its processes, through the management of its physical and human resources, the Union encourages interaction of diverse people, ideas, and values.
  5. The Union’s continuing goal is to create an atmosphere that encourages the individuals self development while supporting an atmosphere conducive to North Idaho College’s values of pursuing excellence, promoting scholarship, ensuring access to education and training, upholding ethical practices and integrity, serving the community, fostering human dignity, modeling citizenship, furthering cooperation and collaboration, maintaining accountability, and nurturing creativity. ("The Role Of the College Union." Association of College Unions International. N.p., 9 Nov. 2012. Web. 09 July 2013.)

Section 3: Collaborate to establish policy, to offer endorsement, guidance and approval of policies in the organization and administration of the activities and programs for the students, faculty, staff, and alumni of the College.

Article IV


Section 1: The membership shall consist of a minimum of five NIC enrolled students (not to exceed eight students), one faculty, and one staff representative, a member of Student Development and Director of Auxiliary Services. Ex officio members of the committee shall include individual Auxiliary Service Managers.

Article V

Officers and their appointment

Section 1: The officers of the Student Union Advisory Board shall be a chairperson, a vicechairperson and a secretary.

Section 2: The chairperson, vice-chairperson and a secretary shall be nominated, elected by the board and take office in September.

Article VI


Section 1: Voting members shall be student, faculty, staff and administrative representatives. The members of Union management are non-voting member

Section 2: After the Chairperson determines if a quorum of 2/3 of the voting members is present, the committee shall operate on a simple majority. At least 51% of voting members must be students.

Section 3: The Chairperson shall have no vote, unless in case of a tie.

Article VII


Section 1: The ASNIC President and/or the Director of Auxiliary Services shall be in charge of establishing the initial meeting of each year during the first thirty days of fall semester.

Section 2: The chairperson shall call regular meetings from September through May.

Section 3: Regular monthly meetings shall be held the first Thursday of each month at the time and place mutually agreed upon.

Section 4: The chairperson may call special meetings as needed.

Article VIII


Section 1: The articles of this constitution may be amended or repealed by the Student Union Advisory Board as established in Article VI.

Article IX

Approval of Constitution

Section 1: This constitution shall become effective immediately after approval by the members of the Student Union Advisory Board present and voting.

Individual Policies and Procedures

SECTION: Building Use
SUBJECT: Use of the Facility
APPROVED: March 5, 2020
AUTHORS: Student Union Advisory Board 2019-2020


Users of the Student Union fall under these main types:

  1. ASNIC Student Government, ASNIC Clubs, and ASNIC Events
  2. NIC Affiliates: NIC Departments or groups sponsored by North Idaho
  3. Federal, State, & Non-Profit Groups
  4. External Organizations v. Visitors & Guests


Use of the Student Union adheres to the North Idaho College Policy 6.04 on Facilities and Equipment in addition to the requirements below.

Priority Use

The Student Union is a building meant for priority use by students of the College. Allocation of space in the Student Union should prioritize student use.

No Instructional Classes: Use of the Student Union by academic departments for instructional classes is not allowed.

Scheduling and Reservations

ASNIC Student Government, ASNIC Clubs, and ASNIC Events can access reservation requests via Cardinal Life. NIC affiliates and external groups may request space in the Student Union by accessing the Conference and Events Department online reservation form. Visit the Conference and Events Department for more information on reservation policies.

Waiver Requests

Waiver requests are made through the Conference and Events Department. The Facilities and Events Advisory Committee (FEAC) reviews requests, and the President’s Cabinet makes a final determination as needed on a case by case basis.

Sales & Fundraising

Sales by external vendors are prohibited in the Student Union with the following exceptions. ASNIC Clubs should refer to the Student Handbook to determine what can be done in this area in support of an NIC club or organization. All fund-raising must adhere to North Idaho College’s policy on fundraising (Policy #7.03).

Food & Beverages

Food and beverage sales within the Student Union building are expressly prohibited except in special cases related to cultural events. All events in the Student Union must adhere to the NIC’s Dining Services Food and Beverages Policy.

Dining Room Closures

Priority use of the Dining Room in the Student Union is for students to eat, relax, and recharge. Closures of the Dining Room during the semester when students are on campus on weekdays are prohibited except for approved ASNIC-based events. Requests for exceptions to this policy must go through the Student Union Operations office and be approved by both ESUOperations staff and Events Services staff.

Damages to equipment and rooms

Damage to rooms or equipment will result in cost of replacement or repair. Excessive clean-up may be considered damage to the room and users may face an additional cleanup charge in cases where atypical clean-up is deemed necessary due to the activities associated with an event.


Decorations for events must stay within the area reserved for the event. All fire code requirements must be adhered to when decorating a room. Nothing can interfere with the ingress or egress an area. Decorations must not block exits or fire extinguishers. No decorations shall be hung on or attached to the ceiling or sprinkler heads. Candles are not permitted without a special permit obtained through the Kootenai County Fire Department.

Only blue painter’s tape can be used to hang materials from walls. No holes are allowed to be made in walls (e.g. thumbtacks or nails). Use of sand, gravel, glitter, and hay/straw is prohibited. Fog machines are prohibited. Spray paint is not allowed to be used in the building. Only water-based paints are allowed, and floors must be properly protected during events that may have activities that may cause property damage.

Activity Center

The primary function of the Activity Center is for general relaxation and activities by NIC students on a drop-in basis. Reservations of the entire area must be associated with an ASNIC-based, Recreation Sports-based, or Student Union Operations-based event that is generally considered a non-exclusive activity or recreation. The event must be open for the entire student body to attend. The event must also be a recreational or activitybased event typically enjoyed by a large campus population base (e.g.Student Events Board activities, game night).

Pool tables in the Activities Center or for use by building patrons. Moving the pool tables is expressly prohibited as it breaks the slate base of the table that is under the felt.

Entryway and Plaza Use

The Student Union Plaza is the main entryway for the building. Table rentals and reservations may be made for the area following the guidelines below.

Reservations for ASNIC affiliated events will be given priority for use of the plaza. Institutions of higher education may rent a table in the Plaza by contacting Conferencing and Events. Conferences and/or events that book at North Idaho College may use the Plaza for a fee based on availability and need. Other external use is prohibited except in special circumstances as authorized by the ESU Operations office.

Plaza tables may also be reserved by accredited four-year institutions of higher education. Each institution can reserve a table up to two times a month for a total of four days of use. There is no fee charged for this use.

From time to time, vendors may be invited to participate in a vendor fair as organized by an NIC department or ASNIC affiliated event. All users in the plaza are prohibited from selling products or services with the exception of ASNIC affiliates as approved through the ASNIC event request process.

Outdoor Patio Tables

Outdoor patio space is available for drop-in use only. The space cannot be reserved.

Piano Use

The piano is available on a drop-in basis for advanced players of the instrument only. It cannot be reserved or moved.


Use of the Student Union Building after hours is prohibited with the following exceptions. Events may occur after normal business hours if an employee of NIC is designated to monitor the building during the event and complete lock-up tasks after the event. NIC employees located in the building may use the building after hours with permission from his/her supervisor and must alert NIC Campus Security to their presence in the building.

ASNIC Student Government officials are granted special access to use the ASNIC suites after normal business hours up until the close of the building. Students that stay late are encouraged to alert the evening custodian of their presence and to call Security for an escort to their cars.

SECTION: Building Use
SUBJECT: Lost and Found Policy
APPROVED: 11/3/2016
SUPERCEDES: 9/1/2016
AUTHORS: Student Union Advisory Board 2016/2017

Lost and Found Items

  1. All items found can be immediately be turned over to Campus Security by calling (208) 769- 3310. Visitors to the building may turn a lost item over to a North Idaho College employee for ease of purpose. Upon receipt of a lost item, the employee should contact Campus Security immediately requesting a pick up. If a student or visitor comes to an area asking for an item, they can be referred to the Campus Security website to fill out a lost and found form. If Campus Security has yet to pick up a lost item, and the owner of the item comes to an area and is able to identify it, then it can be returned to them.
  2. All items will fall under the Lost and Found Policy found at the following url: Lost and Found. Access this form for information on how to report and retrieve lost items.

Section: Building Use
Subject: Fundraising and Merchandise Sales
Policy Number: 03
Approved: 3/3/2011
Supersedes: 04/20/2004

The Edminster Student Union will accommodate merchandise sales and fundraising activities which conform to the following criteria:

Section 1: ASNIC recognized student organizations, NIC departments, and Edminster Student Union or its lessees will be allowed to use designated Edminster Student Union facilities for selling approved merchandise/services. Whenever Edminster Student Union facilities are used by outside parties to provide income, a rental fee will be charged. Admission charges including cash, tuition, donations, collections, or offerings of any kind will be considered income.

Section 2: A “Request for Merchandise Sales” form must be completed and approval must be granted by the Director of Auxiliary Services prior to a reservation being confirmed. These forms are available at the Auxiliary Services Office in the Edminster Student Union Building.

Section 3: Reservations for merchandise/sales space must be made at the Auxiliary Services Office at least three (3) days prior to the date of the sale.

Section 4: Sales of merchandise/services will only be allowed at the reserved location within the Union.

Section 5: Items to be sold must be owned or on consignment to the organization holding the space reservation. The group holding the reservation must also be the party staffing the space or table.

Section 6: The Edminster Student Union reserves the right to limit merchandise sales subject to the following restrictions: Items not allowed:

  1. Any fundraising activity that is in direct competition with activities or services of the Edminster Student Union and its tenants.
  2. Food (other than that sold by the Edminster Student Union and College Food Service) and those items sold in the Bookstore.
  3. Firearms and/or ammunition.
  4. Items judged to be dangerous.
  5. Items judged to be obscene according to acceptable behavior outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.

Section 7: Groups or their representatives are not allowed to address or solicit passersby who do not show active interest. They must remain behind their table or within their reserved space (room).

Section 8: Groups or their representatives are not allowed to solicit within the office spaces of the Edminster Student Union.

Section 9: Sales are limited to five (5) consecutive days unless prior arrangements have been made.

Section 10: Groups are limited to two sales events per semester.

Section 11: Exceptions to Section 6, subsection 2 will be considered by the Student Union Management if presented in writing fourteen (14) days prior to the day of the sale.

Criteria allowing for exceptions:

  1. The customer must be a student organization recognized by ASNIC.
  2. The customer wants to prepare specialty, ethnic, or international cuisine that is not commonly produced by Dining Services.
  3. The customer has not been granted a Food Fundraising Request in the current semester.
  4. The customer has provided adequate time for Dining Services to order and prepare for the event.
  5. Granting the request will not interfere with the business operations of Dining Services.
  6. An authorized Dining Services staff member is available on the date of the event to oversee food preparation.

SECTION: Building Use
SUBJECT: Advertising within the Student Union Building
APPROVED: 12/8/2016
SUPERCEDES: 3/3/2016
AUTHORS: Student Union Advisory Board 2016/2017

The policies in this section refer to the use of advertising in the form of the bulletin board postings, flyers and posters, table tents, and banners.

Section 1: Advertising in the Edminster Student Union is allowed on designated bulletin boards only. Items placed on windows, walls, doors, tables, etc. will be discarded by the building staff. Any exceptions must be cleared through the Edminster Student Union Operations office.

Section 2: Specific Policies

  1. Bulletin Boards Space on Student Union bulletin boards is limited. Advertising size preference is 8.5” x 11”. Commercially produced posters larger than 8.5” x 11” may be accepted; however, preference will be given to smaller posters as the goal of distribution is to allow the most amount of information to be provided to students.

  2. Flyers/Posters All flyers and posters must be stamped by staff at the Cardinal Card office for approval prior to posting. Flyers will be removed one month after posting unless otherwise noted on the time stamp. All flyers and posters must have the organization’s name and date of event printed on them.

  3. Table Tents Table tents are coordinated through ASNIC. No other table tents are allowed with the exception of professionally created Blood Drive table tents. Exceptions to this policy must be cleared through the Operations office of the Edminster Student Union building.

  4. Banners Banners related to outside conferences and events must be discussed with Conferencing and Events staff. All other banners must be approved by the Edminster Student Union Operations office unless they pertain to an ASNIC sponsored event. Banners must be removed no later than one day after the event takes place (including ASNIC sponsored event banners). The banner must contain the name of the sponsoring group.

  5. Sandwich Boards Sandwich boards may be used by student clubs, ASNIC affiliates, and NIC departments. External vendors may also use sandwich boards for an event with permission. All sandwich boards must be placed in such a way so as to not impede ingress and egress of the entrance way and main Plaza walkway. Sandwich boards should be placed to the side of the main walkways and picked up directly after an event has occurred.

SECTION: Building Use
SUBJECT: Bicycles, skateboards, and related sports equipment
APPROVED: 3/3/16
SUPERCEDES: 4/20/2004
AUTHORS: Student Union Advisory Board 2015/2016

Section 1: Bicycles

  1. Bicycles are not allowed within the Edminster Student Union.

  2. Bicycles should be locked to the bike racks provided in front of the Edminster Student Union. If bikes are found locked to the Edminster Student Union Building, Campus Security will be called and notification will be placed on the bike informing the owner of the infraction. If the infraction persists the lock will be removed from the building surface and the owner assumes responsibility for lock replacement or other damages that may occur.

Section 2: Rollerblades, Skateboards, Scooters, Hoverboards, and related sports equipment

  1. Rollerblades, skateboards, scooters, hoverboards, and related sports equipment are not allowed to be used within the Edminster Student Union Building. Related sports equipment includes (but is not limited to) footballs, soccer balls, baseballs, Frisbees, and hackie sacks. If an individual is found using these items in the building, staff may ask that they remove the item(s) or cease their activity. If the patron refuses to cease the prohibited activity, NIC staff will call Campus Security to intervene.

SECTION: Building Use
SUBJECT: Disruptive, Hostile, or Violent Behavior
APPROVED: 3/3/2016
SUPERCEDES: 4/20/2004
AUTHORS: Student Union Advisory Board 2015/2016

Disruptive, hostile, or violent behaviors will not be tolerated within the Edminster Student Union Building. NIC campus policies on disruptive behavior are found at the following url: 3.03.05

Section 1: Disruptive, Hostile, or Violent Behavior

Disruptive, hostile, or violent behavior includes but is not limited to behavior that is intended to and/or has the effect of threatening, intimidating, and/or harassing NIC employees, students, and/or visitors, or otherwise detracting attention from instructional or other college activities. In addition, disruptive behavior includes groping, excessive displays of affection, and group napping.

Section 2: Action

Patrons who are perceived to be breaking this policy will be asked to cease the prohibited activity and may be asked to leave. Students should report behaviors to NIC staff within the building or to Campus Security. If there is resistance from the individuals involved, Campus Security will be contacted for possible corrective action.

SECTION: Building Use
APPROVED: 3/3/16
SUPERCEDES: 4/20/2004
AUTHORS: Student Union Advisory Board 2015/2016

Section 1: Amplified Sound Events that include amplified sound system levels must keep the volume at a level that does not disturb other events scheduled within the Edminster Student Union and/or normal Union operations. Streaming music in public spaces is not allowed.

  1. The Edminster Student Union Building Staff on duty will determine appropriate sound levels.
  2. If the levels are deemed loud enough to interfere with other building users, the Union staff may ask that the volume level be reduced or activity ceased.
  3. If the organization/person fails to abide by the Union staff member’s request, Union staff will call upon Campus Security to intervene.
  4. Clubs and organizations falling under the sanction of ASNIC are included under this policy and may be asked to appear before ICC for comment for non-compliance to this policy.
  5. If an event is expected to produce high levels of noise, notice is to be given to the Student Union Operations office so that they may be able to anticipate the situation. NIC staff will determine whether or not sound levels are appropriate for the date/time of the event and whether this event may impact any other operations/events within the Edminster Student Union Building.

Section 2: Verbal or Non-amplified Sound

Shouting, loud noises, and language that disrupts Union users or daily operations are unacceptable. Singing and instrument playing must be kept to activities and levels that do not disturb other building patrons. Union staff has the authority to ask groups and individuals to cease behaviors that are too loud for the environment. If the behavior persists the staff may request individuals to leave the premises. Campus Safety may be asked to intervene if the problem persists.

SECTION: Building Use
SUBJECT: No-Smoking Policy
APPROVED: 12/8/16
AUTHORS: Student Union Advisory Board 2016/2017

Section 1: The Student Union adheres to the NIC Guidelines for a Tobacco Free College found at the following url: Tobacco-Free College Guideline and adds a clarification to prohibit all types of vaping and related equipment. E-cigarette equipment includes any form of vaping equipment (smokeless tools) that can be used to vape tobacco and related products are prohibited in the Student Union building.

Section 2: Any patron found using tobacco, smokeless-based products, tobacco (chew), related smoking-based products, or e-cigarette equipment will be asked to leave the premise and may be referred to disciplinary action via the Student Code of Conduct.

SECTION: Building Use
SUBJECT: Dress Code
APPROVED: December 10, 2015
SUPERCEDES: No former policy
AUTHORS: Student Union Advisory Board 2015/2016

In order to keep the Student Union Building a welcoming and safe environment for all students, staff, faculty, and guests; all patrons will be required to wear basic attire while in the Student Union Building.

Section 1: Basic Attire Defined

Basic attire includes the requirement to wear a shirt, pants (skirt or shorts), and footwear.

Section 2: Enforcement

Staff members of the Student Union Building will determine if basic attire meets requirements of the building. If a patron enters the building without basic attire, the patron will be asked to put on basic attire or leave the building. If the patron refuses, Campus Security will be called to escort the user from the premises.

SECTION: Building Use
SUBJECT: Art in the Union
APPROVED: 1/15/09
AUTHORS: Jack Vanderlinden, Alex Harris

The purpose of Art in the Union is to provide an opportunity to showcase student artwork on a rotating basis, while utilizing these showcases to acquire permanent pieces to be displayed in the Student Union.

Section 1: Art Show Location

The showcases will be in specific areas such as, but not limited to, the Driftwood Bay. Permanent artwork will be placed throughout the Student Union.

Section 2: Artwork Selection

  1. The Student Union Advisory Board, Art in the Union Committee, will plan, promote and facilitate the art shows.
  2. On campus resources such as; students and staff and faculty artists should be utilized to create the artwork.

Section 3: Timeline

  1. Art showcases should take place on a semester basis.

Section 4: Continuation of Program

  1. At the beginning of each Fall Semester, the Advisory Board shall select the membership of the Art in the Union Committee.

SECTION: Building Use
SUBJECT: Computer Use
APPROVED: 11/3/2016
AUTHORS: Student Union Advisory Board 2016/2017

The policies in this section refer to the use of computers provided by North Idaho College and located in common areas within the Edminster Student Union Building.

Section 1: NIC Computer Use Policy

Computer use in the Student Union building must adhere to the North Idaho College Campus policy found here: 3.08.01 ACCEPTABLE USE.

Section 2: Additional Requirements for the Use of Computers Provided by the Student Union

Patrons using computers provided by the Student Union must adhere to the following:

  1. Accessing, loading, or displaying pornographic or sexually explicit material is prohibited.

If a college assignment requires the need to view explicit material, the North Idaho College Computer Labs are available for that purpose.

SECTION: Building Use
SUBJECT: Displays of Public Affection
APPROVED: May 3, 2018
AUTHORS: Student Union Advisory Board 2017/2018


The team at the Edminster Student Union expects its visitors to treat one another with sensitivity, consideration, and understanding and to demonstrate an active concern for the welfare of others.

Visitors to the building are expected to observe reasonable societal and community standards of interaction and conduct when spending time within the Student Union.

When visitors engage in displays of public affection that are overtly sexual in nature, it can create an environment that is uncomfortable to others. It can disrupt relaxation, concentration, and learning. Guests at the Edminster Student Union are expected to show reasonable respect for the overall comfort and welcoming nature of the environment for all visitors and are not permitted to engage in displays that are overtly sexual in nature.

Section 2: ACTION

Patrons who are perceived to be breaking this policy will be asked to cease the excessive display(s) of affection and may be asked to leave. Students should report problems or concerns in this area to NIC staff within the building or to Campus Security. If the situation persists, individuals may be trespassed from the building and/or referred to the Director of Student Development for review under the Student Code of Conduct.