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TEAS Exams

The Testing Center proctors the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) Exam, which is the entrance exam for the NIC Practical Nursing (PN) and Registered Nursing (RN) Programs. This exam is usually given during the month prior to the program application deadline. An appointment to take the test is required and can be arranged online.

Due to high demand and limited seating, testers who no-show for their TEAS appointment may not be allowed to participate in another TEAS session at the NIC Testing Center for the remainder of the current application cycle.


Schedule a TEAS Exam

What to expect when taking the TEAS Exam

As always, a photo ID is required to test.

  • The TEAS Exam can take up to — but no longer than — three hours and 29 minutes.
  • The four sections of this test are: Reading, Mathematics, Science and English.
  • Plan on at least three hours and 45 minutes to sign in, complete the demographic information and take the exam.
  • If you have taken an Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) exam before, you will need to remember the password used at that time.
  • There is a $70 fee payable by credit or debit card during registration for the test. Please take your credit or debit card with you into the testing room.
  • Testers arriving after the exam has begun will not be allowed to participate in that session and will need to reschedule for a later date.

TEAS Study Resources