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Tenure Timelines

Deadlines Tasks Details
First week of October
Candidate nominates FETs First-year candidate submits to his/her division chair names of two or three faculty to
serve as faculty evaluation team (FET).

One member of the FET will serve as a mentor/coordinator.

Third week of October
Division chair approves FETs

Candidate forwards names to Tenure Committee
By the third week of October division chair notifies the candidate of the approval of the FET and the mentor.

After approval of the FET by the division chair, the candidate forwards member’s names to Tenure Committee.

Both Fall & Spring Semester Candidate solicits student evaluations for all courses & shares with FETs

FETs observe & submit suggestions to candidate
Candidate will solicit student feedback for all courses taught using the approved student evaluation instrument appropriate to the mode of delivery. Candidates will share copies of these evaluations with their FETs.

Each member of the FET will observe the candidate’s class or lab and share observations with the candidate. A written record, indicating any suggestions to strengthen teaching effectiveness, will be made by each FET and delivered only to the candidate.

First week of April
Candidate prepares self evaluation The candidate will prepare and submit a self evaluation to the FET and division chair. The self-evaluation will describe in detail his/her progress in demonstrating eligibility for tenure and performance of all duties outlined in the Teaching Focus Policy. In addition, this report will reflect any professional and pedagogical changes from year-to-year throughout the tenure process.

Third week of April
Mentor calls team meeting with Division Chair & FETs The mentor, other FET member, and the division chair meets as a group to discuss the candidate’s progress, self-evaluation, classroom observations, and student evaluations. The mentor shall call these meetings.

First week of May
Mentor writes formative evaluation & forwards to division chair, tenure committee, candidate The mentor prepares and submits an informal, formative written evaluation indicating the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses and providing recommendations for improvement and/or development, as determined by a consensus of the group.  If the group cannot reach a consensus, the dissenting evaluation should also be included.

The mentor will provide copies of these year-end formative evaluations to the appropriate division chair, the Tenure Committee and the candidate.

First week of June
Tenure committee notified If significant deficiencies are noted at this time, in coordination with HR, the FET and division chair/director will develop a performance improvement plan to address noted deficiencies and will submit the plan to the candidate and the Tenure Committee by the first week of June. The performance improvement plan will outline goals, action steps, and a timeline for improvement with periodic checkpoints that will extend the overall time to completion of the Tenure process. The division chair/director will notify the appropriate dean about the deficiencies and forward to the dean the plan agreed to by the FET and candidate.

* This timeline is a quick guide to tenure & evaluation procedures. Please consult NIC Policies and Procedures for full descriptions and/or to clarify any questions.

Deadlines Tasks Details
Both Fall & Spring Semester Candidate solicits student evaluations for all courses & shares with FETs

FETs observe & submit suggestions to candidate
 The candidate solicits student feedback for all courses taught using the approved student evaluation instrument appropriate to the mode of delivery. The candidate shares copies of these evaluations with their FETs.

Each member of the FET observes the candidate’s class or lab and share observations with the candidate. A written record, indicating any suggestions to strengthen teaching effectiveness, will be made by each FET and delivered only to the candidate.
First week of April
Candidate submits cumulative self evaluation  The candidate submits a cumulative self-evaluation, inclusive of all years in the tenure process, to the FET members and division chair. The self-evaluation describes in detail his/her progress in demonstrating eligibility for tenure and performance of all duties outlined in the Teaching Focus Policy. In addition, the self-evaluation reflects any professional and pedagogical changes from year-to-year throughout the tenure process.

Data from previous student, FET, and division chair observations and evaluations should be included to support the conferral of tenure. 
Third week of April  Mentor calls team meeting with Division Chair & FET  The mentor, other FET member(s), and the division chair shall meet as a group to discuss the candidate’s progress, self-evaluation, classroom observations, and student evaluations.
First week of May FETs submits summative evaluations  Each FET member submits a separate written, summative evaluation, inclusive of all years of observation by that FET member. The evaluations will discuss the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses, and will include recommendations for improvement and/or development. 
Third week of May
FETs meet with candidate Each FET member shares this evaluation individually in conference with the candidate. The candidate signs the original summative evaluation to acknowledge its review. Signed copies of each evaluation are provided to the faculty member and division chair.

* This timeline is a quick guide to tenure & evaluation procedures. Please consult NIC Policies and Procedures for full descriptions and/or to clarify any questions.

Deadlines Tasks Details
First Week of October FETs submit recommendation for/against conferral

Each FET submits the following to the candidate and division chair:

1) copies of the third-year summative evaluations, and
2) a formal recommendation for or against the conferral of tenure, with supporting reasoning.

Second week of November Division Chair submits recommendation for/against conferral  The division chair submits the following to the candidate: 1) a formal evaluation of the candidate’s qualification for tenure based on duties outlined in the Teaching Focus Policy, and 2) a formal recommendation for or against conferral of tenure.
First week of December
Division Chair meets with candidate  The division chair meets with the candidate to discuss the formal evaluation and recommendation. 
 Second week of December
Candidate collates and submits tenure portfolio to Tenure Committee

The candidate collates and forwards to the Tenure Committee a portfolio including:

  • Copies of all FET and division chair formative observation reports for the entire probationary period
  • Copies of all student evaluation summaries for the entire probationary period
  • All FET and division chair observations,and summative and formative evaluations
  • All FET and division chair formal recommendations for or against conferral of tenure
  • The candidate’s cumulative written self-evaluation.
Second week of December
Tenure Committee submits recommendations The Tenure Committee submits its written recommendation for or against tenure to the candidate, the division chair, the vice president for instruction (VPI) and the president.
Last week of March
VPI & President make recommendations The VPI submits recommendation for or against tenure to the president, and by March 15, the president completes his/her recommendation.
Second week of April
President forwards recommendations to Board of Trustees The president forwards the Tenure Committee’s, the VPI’s, and the president’s recommendations to the board of trustees for their next scheduled meeting. At the board’s request, the candidate’s portfolio will be forwarded by the president for their review.
Last week of April
President notifies candidate of board decision The president notifies the candidate in writing of the Board’s decision. Tenure begins the fall semester following approval.

* This timeline is a quick guide to tenure & evaluation procedures. Please consult NIC Policies and Procedures for full descriptions and/or to clarify any questions.