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Faculty Guidelines

The Testing Center provides proctored testing support for course make-up tests and Internet course testing. Due to limited space and personnel, entire class testing cannot be administered at this time. If you have a special need, contact (208) 676-7203 to see how best the Testing Center can accommodate it.

At the beginning of each semester, please provide us with a schedule of your tests that will be taken at the Testing Center.Tests and/or passwords must be received at least 24 hours prior to the opening date of any exam.

Testing Center Rosters

The PDF version of the Roster Document is preferred. Other than entering the course and student information, do not make changes to the roster form. Additional information or instructions should be attached on a separate sheet.

  • Students must show photo ID.
  • Personal belongings are not permitted in the testing rooms, and only items listed on the test tracking form will be allowed.  Cell phones are never allowed in the testing area.
  • Cubbies are provided.
  • Scratch paper is provided by the Testing Center and, when used, will accompany the returned test.
  • If tests are past their due date, we will not allow students to complete the test without the instructor's written or verbal permission. It is the student's responsibility (not the Testing Center's) to contact their instructor in this event.
  • If there is a time restriction on the test, we tell the student when his or her time is up. We do not wrestle the test from the student if he or she does not immediately turn it in. We tell the student that there may be consequences for taking more than the allowed time. The actual time will be documented on the roster.    

Calculators are permitted only when listed in the allowed items. If a graphing calculator is permitted it must be noted on the tracking form. We assume simple or scientific calculators unless otherwise specified.

  • Each paper exam should be accompanied by a roster form (please see the links above)
  • The instructor's name should be clearly printed at the top of each exam.
  • Tests may be dropped off at the Testing Center at any time during office hours, left in the drop box (checked once a day at 7 a.m.) at the northwest end of the Molstead building next to the service doors during off hours, or sent through campus mail to Testing Center, Molstead Library (MOL). Tests will be returned to you according to your directions on the Test Tracking Form.
  • Tests may not be emailed or faxed to us. You have the option of sending an electronic version of the test and tracking form to the Copy Center Portal available in the Bookmark section of the Staff Constituency. It will be printed and delivered to the Testing Center.
  • Reduced Distraction testing will be provided, but we cannot guarantee every student a private room. We will do what we can for as long as space is available, especially for students with accommodations.
  • After an exam deadline has passed or the semester has ended and there are still exams in your file, we will return or shred them unless we hear differently from you.

If you find yourself in need of special dispensation, please contact us and we'll be happy to work with you!

  • Availability is limited when specialized testing occurs and, as always, we have many instructors using the center.  Please consult our schedule to make sure that test deadlines fall on days the Testing Center is open and stagger testing to avoid scheduling overloads.
  • Passwords to exams are usually emailed or delivered to the Testing Center and are kept in a locked file.
  • If your exam requires Respondus Lockdown Browser, please let us know.

ONLY Finals are given during Finals Week. NO MAKE-UP TESTS will be given. During the last week of classes (week before Finals Week), only make-ups from tests being given in class THAT WEEK will be given at the Testing Center. If any of your students need to take make up tests during the last week of classes or during Finals Week, they must make arrangements with you. Before the last week of classes and Finals Week, we will give make up tests from any time during the semester.

Please encourage your students to make an appointment with the Testing Center for any exam. 

The Testing Center extends an open invitation to visit at any time to tour our facilities, meet our staff and learn how we can work together. We hope to see you soon!