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Frequently Asked Advising Questions (FAAQs)

Advising and Registration Questions 

New students and students returning to NIC after taking a leave and reapplying are required to meet with an advisor prior to class registration. This occurs through a simple three-step, new student advising program. Currently enrolled students are encouraged to meet with their advisor regularly, at least every semester, to re-evaluate their educational plan and make certain that they are on track to meet their educational goals. Adding and dropping classes is a function that students can do independently in Self-Service Student Planning.

Newly admitted students who have not yet registered should contact Advising Services.  Currently enrolled students should use the Find My Advisor feature to get their advisor's name. Students should contact their assigned advisor directly to schedule an advising meeting (note that the Advising Services front desk schedules appointments for student success advisors).

Contact Advising Services to inquire about identifying a new advisor or changing your advisor.  

AA/AS Degree Requirements are outlined in the college catalog. Current students can also check outstanding degree requirements in My Progress in Student Planning Self-Service. 

Follow these registration instructions

Visit Career Services website for information and to sign up for a career workshop! 

Visit the RN program website for a list of prerequisite coursework and program information 

Changing your declared program (major) is simple. Fill out the Program Change Request Form and return it electronically to or print and submit it to Cardinal Central. Consult with your advisor prior to changing or adding a program (major) to make sure everything is completed properly.

Students who know they want to complete an AA or AS degree but are unsure of an academic or career focus generally declare “General Studies.” The requirements for this degree generally satisfy general education requirements at most baccalaureate-granting institutions. However, it is wise for students explore potential programs and careers, as it maybe important for students to complete certain prerequisites prior to transfer.

Students are welcome to take classes at NIC without seeking a degree, however, non-degree-seeking status will make students ineligible for financial aid.

Financial Aid and Scholarship Questions

NIC offers financial aid in the form of grants, loans, work-study and scholarships.

Apply here! Federal financial aid is awarded based on your income and need. The FAFSA form will be used to determine this. Scholarships can be merit-based, need-based or neither. Apply for NIC scholarships here! 



Login to Self Service-Financial Aid in your MyNIC portal.

No, only students who were admitted to NIC as degree-seeking are considered for financial aid.

Financial aid only covers the cost of classes that are needed for a students' declared program (major) according to the student's degree audit in Self-Service Student Planning. There are additional factors; students should contact Cardinal Central with any questions. 

Cost Questions 

Visit Tuition and Fees for current costs. Remember, these costs are BEFORE financial aid. 

There are a variety of ways to pay for your classes at NIC. To find out what you owe and your options for payment, log into your MyNIC, click on Self Service and then click on Student Finances.

Here you will see what you owe for your classes, when payment is due and your choices for making payment. Here you can also explore paying your full tuition, making payment plans, refunds and how any form of financial aid will be used in your payment. Visit Payments for more information. 

Visit Residency for Tuition Purposes for the details. 

Academic Questions

In a nutshell: 

  • “Online” means the class is fully online with no set schedule, as well as the exams.
  • “Online Plus” means the class is online with no set schedule, but exams must be taken at an approved testing center.
  • “Online on a Schedule” Means you will take the class online but on set days and times.
  • “Hybrid Set” means classes will be held both on campus and on set days and times online.
  • “Hybrid Flex” means classes will be held on campus on set days and times but with an online portion you can do when and where is most convenient for you. 

To access your online classes, log into your MyNIC and click on the button that says “Canvas.” This will take you to your classes. Please note: Your classes will not appear in Canvas until the first day of the term.

It is most often advantageous to complete a math class during your first semester. Depending on the math requirements for your intended program (major), you may need to take many math classes, and it is best to begin as early as possible. Waiting to take math could result in a delayed graduation.

In some cases, students benefit from using the ALEKS Prep and Learning modules to boost their math skills (and math placement) prior to taking a math course. 

Campus Life Questions 

Visit our Residence Hall to access the online application and to view costs. 

Visit the Disability Support Services website for more information. 

TRIO Student Support Services is a federally funded academic assistance program with the goal to help participating students to successfully complete their course of study at North Idaho College and transfer to the four-year college or university that will best meet their academic and career goals. Visit TRIO’s website for more information, program application and qualification information.

You do not have to purchase a parking permit, but there is very little public parking close to the campus. If you plan to be on campus between 7:30am and 5 pm Monday through Friday, consider purchasing a permit. Parking permits may be ordered online and will be mailed to you.

Many students opt to buy their books online and pick them up at the NIC  bookstore. The bookstore will match prices with other vendors. If you do choose to purchase your books from other sources, be sure to buy the right book!  Also, many books have a code to unlock online content, and a used book will not have that code. 

Yes. Visit Veteran and Military Family Services or contact our Veteran and Military Family Services Advisor at (208) 666-8027 or the Veteran Services Coordinator at (208) 769-3281.