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Starting a Club

We are here to help you with anything you may need to start up your own club. Don't hesitate to reach out with questions.

NIC students may start a new ASNIC Club at any point during the year. A minimum of five current North Idaho College students may form a new ASNIC club by completing these easy steps:

Complete the Start an ASNIC Club Form (Red Button on the sidebar) and return it to the Department of Student Involvement (ASNIC Offices) on the 2nd Floor of the SUB, or email the completed form to This form will require the following:

  1. Register your club's name and identify its mission
  2. Advisor Agreement: Identify and enlist a full-time faculty or staff member to serve as an advisor for your organization. (Advisor Agreement is included with the form)
  3. Club Constitution (template is included with the form)

Schedule a meeting with ASNIC Vice President, Club Advisor, and ASNIC Advisor to review your club's purpose, ICC requirements, and campus policies and procedures. (See below for important contacts)

Present your proposed club at an ICC meeting. ICC will vote to approve the club.

That's it! You're officially a new ASNIC Club.

Important Contacts

Important Documents

New Club Application
ASNIC Clubs Handbook