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Culinary Arts

Career and Technical

Location: Coeur d'Alene

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Tuition and Fees Cost of Attendance

Program Description

The Culinary Arts program provides students with entry-level skills in the foodservice industry. Students receive instruction in cooking and baking as well as theoretical knowledge that underlines competency in the field. Additional training involves table service menus cost controls storeroom entrepreneurship marketing supervision/management and stewarding. Students will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn and effectively practice basic and advanced technical skills in food preparation and service.
  • Understand the principles of food identification nutrition and food and beverage composition.
  • Gain experience in the proper use and maintenance of professional foodservice equipment.
  • Become familiar with the layout and workflow of professional kitchens and bakeshops.
  • Gain an appreciation for the history evolution and international diversity of the culinary arts.
  • Develop a sense of professionalism necessary for working successfully in the foodservice industry.

Students get real-world experience in the kitchen dining room and deli operating Emery's Restaurant located on the second floor of the Hedlund Building as well as operating the Beachside Bistro during the summer months.

View Degree Requirements

Program Snapshot

Degree Type Duration Path Credits
Intermediate Technical Certificate 2 Semesters Full-time 36-38 Degree requirements
Advanced Technical Certificate 4 Semesters Full-time 56-58 Degree requirements
Associate of Applied Science Degree 4 Semesters Full-time 66-68 Degree requirements

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