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Transfer Program

Location: Coeur d'Alene

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Tuition and Fees Cost of Attendance

Program Description

This program improves writing skills while preparing students for careers in journalism or communication. COMJ courses focus on improving the skills needed to disseminate engaging content on multiple platforms. Students mix theoretical training with practical experience by working as staff on the national award-winning NIC publication The Sentinel its multimedia website and social media accounts.

Completion of the following courses results in an associate degree and meets the general core requirements at all Idaho public universities. The suggested coursework normally fills the first half of baccalaureate degree requirements in Journalism. Course selection should be tailored to match requirements defined by intended transfer institutions.

View Degree Requirements

Program Snapshot

Degree Type Duration Path Credits
Associate of Arts Degree 4/6 Semesters Full-time / Part-time 60-65 Degree requirements

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