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Physical Therapist Assistant

Career and Technical

Competitive Entry

Location: Coeur d'Alene

Get Started
Tuition and Fees Cost of Attendance

Program Description

The Physical Therapist Assistant Consortium Program prepares students for employment as physical therapist assistants (PTA). The PTA functions through the direction of a physical therapist (PT) to implement the PT's plan of care. The ultimate goal of physical therapy is to aid patients and clients in their return to maximal function. PTA students are instructed in thinking processes and skills such as therapeutic exercise orthopedic and neurological interventions therapeutic modalities and the art of patient care.

In addition to patient treatment courses students study the basic sciences of anatomy physiology clinical pathology and kinesiology. Clinical education experiences are integrated throughout the curriculum and offer students the opportunity to practice the techniques learned and practiced each semester. The program is designed to be completed in two years.

This is a competitive entry program.

View Degree Requirements

Program Notice

Application to the Idaho Consortium for Physical Therapist Assistant Education (ICPTAE) Program opens in late March for August program admission. The selective-entry program application deadline is set in mid-May. Program location cohorts will be comprised of the following student numbers:

  • College of Western Idaho (CWI) - 14 students every year
  • Lewis-Clark State College (LCSC) - 6 students every other year (even years)
  • North Idaho College (NIC) - 10 students every year
  • College of Southern Idaho (CSI) - 10 students every other year (odd years)
  1. High school diploma or GED. 
  2. Application to the Physical Therapist Assistant program. 
  3. Minimum grades of C/2.0 must be earned in each of the courses listed below.
    Minimum Prerequisites Needed to Apply
    • BIOL-227/BIOL-227 Lab  (Human Anatomy & Physiology I)
    • CAOT-179 (Medical Terminology)
    • ENGL-101 (Writing & Rhetoric I)
    • MATH-123* (Math in Modern Society)
    * Mathematics requirement includes any math course that is MATH-123 or higher and fulfills the A.A.S. degree requirement as list in the NIC catalog. 
    Other Courses Assigned Points in Admissions Process
    • BIOL-228/BIOL-228 Lab (Human Anatomy & Physiology II With Cadaver)
    • COMM-101 (Fundamentals of Oral Communication)
    • PSYC-101 (Intro to Psychology)
  4. All lab science courses must have been completed within 7 years of the application deadline.
  5. Documentation showing a minimum of 16 hours of observation in a physical therapy clinical setting. 
  6. A criminal background check will be required upon acceptance. Violations may result in denied access to clinical sites and therefore inability to complete the program. For questions regarding specific violations, please contact the program director.


Amitted Students

All students admitted to the Physical Therapist Assistant Consortium Program are required to have a “clean” background check for admission. All students are admitted to the program conditionally until background check results are reviewed. Students are responsible for requesting the check, paying for the check, and handling any disputed results directly with the background check company. Background checks performed for previous employment cannot be used for this program requirement.

Procedure for Requesting A Background Check

Once you have been accepted into the PTA program you will receive instructions on submitting your request for a Background Check. The
procedure for requesting a background check and dates for completion will be announced. This check costs approximately $45 - $50.

Background Checks Will Include the Following

  • Social Security Number and Identity Verification
  • Criminal Search (7 years) National and County
  • Employment Verification
  • Violent Sexual Offender and Predator Registry Search
  • OIG List of Excluded Individuals/Entities
  • US Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), List of Specially Designated Nationals (SDN)

Suspension of Admission Process

Derogatory information of the following nature as the result of background investigation is the basis to no longer consider a candidate for school
and clinical placement will not be possible. Pending charges for the following crimes will be considered crimes and will be deemed to be
substantially detrimental to the care of patients and will result in denied admission or dismissal. Timeframe is for the last 7 years unless
otherwise noted:

  • Felony convictions
  • Withheld judgments for felonies
  • Other pleas agreements to felony convictions
  • Sexual assault, rape, indecent exposure, lewd and lascivious behavior, or any crime involving non-consensual sexual conduct
    committed at any time
  • Child abuse, sexual exploitation of children, child abduction, child neglect, contributing to the delinquency or neglect of a child,
    enticing a child for immoral purposes, exposing a minor to pornography or other harmful materials, incest, or any other crime involving
    children as victims or participants committed at any time.
  • Homicide committed at any time
  • Abuse, exploitation or neglect of a vulnerable adult (disabled or elderly) committed at any time
  • Assault or Battery
  • Misdemeanor theft committed during the last 5 years or grand theft committed during the previous 7 years
  • Offenses involving substantial misrepresentation of any material fact to the public or an employer including embezzlement, bribery,
    fraud, racketeering or allowing an establishment to be used for illegal purposes committed during the previous 7 years
  • DUI within the last 3 years or more than one DUI in the past 5 years
  • First or second-degree arson
  • Kidnapping
  • Mayhem, as defined by Section 18-5001, Idaho Code
  • Poisoning
  • Forgery or fraudulent use of a financial transaction card
  • Forgery and counterfeiting
  • Insurance fraud

Clean Background Check

If the check does not contain any disallowable crimes, the student will be fully admitted to the program. The background check is good for the
entire program as long as the student does not stop progression. If any lapse in progression for more than 11 months will require a repeat
background check for re-admission. The student is responsible for requesting and paying for the repeat check.

Dispute Results of Background Check
If a student disputes the results of the background check, he/she should dispute that directly with the company. If the dispute is resolved, the
student may request readmission to the department. Requests will be handled on an individual basis and are dependent on space availability.

File a Grievance

If the student believes the crime discovered and/or the timeframe of commission of the crime does not warrant exclusion from the program, the
student is to make an appointment with the PTA Program Director. The student is to present their case in writing during the appointment. The
student will be notified of a final decision. If it is determined that the student will be allowed in a clinical facility, the student will be re-admitted
on a space-available basis.

The Idaho Consortium for Physical Therapist Assistant Education at the College of Southern Idaho, the College of Western Idaho, Lewis-Clark State College, and North Idaho College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE).

3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100
Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085

telephone: (703) 706-3245

If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call (208) 665-5051 or email

Complaints Against PTA Program, Faculty, Students or Program Graduates:
An individual may make an inquiry regarding complaint procedures or about issues and concerns that could be considered complaints. The Idaho Consortium for Physical Therapist Assistant Education's response and its obligations to meet the specific timetables outlined in these procedures will begin only after a formal written complaint is received by the program director or dean.

Idaho Consortium for Physical Therapist Assistant Education

Student Outcomes
Year 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2 Year Average 5 Year Average
Graduation Rate 93% 93% 96% 100% 88% 94% 95%
Board Exam Pass Rate 89% 91% 92% 97% 91% 94% 91%
Employment Rate 100% 100% 100% 100% 96% 98% 99%

Program Snapshot

Degree Type Duration Path Credits
Associate of Applied Science Degree 5 Semesters Full-time 70-72 Degree requirements

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