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Radiography Technology

Career and Technical

Competitive Entry

Location: Coeur d'Alene

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Tuition and Fees Cost of Attendance

Program Description

The Mission of the North Idaho College Radiography Program is to provide a comprehensive didactic and clinical education which prepares graduates with the skills necessary to obtain entry-level employment as a radiographer. Upon successful completion of this program students will graduate with an Associate of Applied Science Degree and be eligible to become certified by taking the registry examination of the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). The Radiography Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT). Inquiries can be made by contacting JRCERT at 20 North Wacker Drive Suite 2850 Chicago IL 60606-3182 or (312) 704-5300 or

The Radiography Technology Program is a competitive-entry program with ten students admitted annually. Applications are accepted and reviewed during the spring semester prior to the scheduled August program start. All prerequisite courses must be completed with B-/2.7 or higher grades to qualify for program consideration.

For more information about the radiology technology profession, please visit the American Society of Radiologic Technologist’s RadAcademy

View Degree Requirements

Accreditation Notice:

NIC’s Radiography Technology program received a probation status from its programmatic accreditor, the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT). JRCERT discussed the program’s accreditation status during a June 13 meeting after conducting an unannounced site visit to NIC Feb. 27-28. The college received notification of the program’s probation status Nov. 6.

The probation status with JRCERT is the result of the NIC’s institutional accreditation review with the college’s institutional accreditor, the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). The program was not cited for any standards related to faculty and staff; curriculum and academic practices; health and safety; or program effectiveness.  

 JRCERT’s policies and procedures required the Feb. 27-28 unannounced site visit after the issuance of the show cause sanction by. JRCERT issued a report on the site visit March 14.

Find more information about the college’s accreditation review with the NWCCU at

Graduates of the Radiologic Technology degree program are prepared for responsible positions in hospitals, private clinics, doctors’ offices, and other institutions requiring qualified professional personnel.

The Radiography Technology degree program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology, 20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850, Chicago, IL 60606-3182, Phone 312.704.5300. Email:

The Mission of the North Idaho College Radiography Technology Program is to provide a comprehensive didactic and clinical education, which will prepare graduates with the entry-level skills necessary to seek employment as a radiographer and receive an Associate’s Degree at the end of the program.

Goals are established which support the successful implementation of the mission of the program. These goals are accompanied by measurable desired outcomes which meet or exceed the standards for an accredited educational program in radiologic sciences, providing a means to evaluate program effectiveness and to assist in making program changes when appropriate.

Goal 1: Students will demonstrate clinical competence

Student Learning Outcome/Measure Measurement Tool Course Assigned
80% of students will demonstrate appropriate positioning skills during the Chest imaging lab examination on the first attempt. Student performance on the RADT chest positioning lab exam. RADT-112/112L
80% of students will demonstrate appropriate positioning skills during the PCXR imaging lab examination on the first attempt. Student performance on the RADT PCXR positioning lab exam. RADT-112/112L
80% of students will demonstrate appropriate positioning skills during the Lumbar Spine imaging lab examination on the first attempt. Student performance on the RADT Lumbar Spine positioning lab exam. RADT-114/114L
90% of students will demonstrate appropriate positioning skills during Chest imaging on the first attempt. Student performance on the ARRT Competency Sheet Section 3. RADT-116
90% of students will demonstrate appropriate positioning skills during PCXR imaging on the first attempt. Student performance on the ARRT Competency Sheet Section 3. RADT-119
90% of students will demonstrate appropriate positioning skills during Lumbar spine imaging on the first attempt. Student performance on the ARRT Competency Sheet Section 3. RADT-221

Goal 2: Students will communicate effectively

Student Learning Outcome/Measure Measurement Tool Course Assigned
80% of students will properly explain the assigned examination protocol during laboratory examination of the C-spine on his/her first attempt Student performance on the RADT Laboratory Positioning exam. RADT-112/112L
70% of students will demonstrate effective communication skills during the oral presentation over his/her assigned fluoroscopic examination. Student performance on oral presentation rubric. RADT-114/114L

Goal 3: Students will employ critical thinking skills

Student Learning Outcome/Measure Measurement Tool Course Assigned
60% of students will properly critique a repeated image on the first attempt. Student performance on the Image Critique form. RADT-116
70% of students will properly critique a repeated image on the first attempt. Student performance on the Image Critique form RADT-119
80% of students will properly critique a repeated image on the first attempt. Student performance on the Image Critique form. RADT-220
90% of students will properly critique a repeated image on the first attempt. Student performance on the Image Critique form. RADT-221
80% of students will successfully manipulate and alter technical factors when given a trauma scenario. Student performance on the Demo-Day 2 Trauma Scenario Image Production assignment. RADT-220

Goal 4: Students will demonstrate professional development and growth

Student Learning Outcome/Measure Measurement Tool Course Assigned
80% of students will successfully critique a professional article and apply it to current radiologic technology practice. Student performance on the Radiologic Technology Article Critique Rubric. RADT-116
80% of student will successfully research and present an oral presentation on an advance modality covering sectional anatomy and pathology. Student performance on the RADT Content Project Rubric. RADT-118/118L

Program Effectiveness Measures

Program Outcomes:

  • At least 80% of students from each cohort will complete the program.
  • Students graduating from NIC will have a five (5) year credentialing examination pass rate average of not less than 75% at first attempt.
  • The average five-year job placement rate of graduates seeking employment will be 75% or more within twelve (12) months of graduation.
  • Seventy-five percent of graduates will indicate adequate preparation to perform as entrylevel technologists.
  • Seventy-five percent of employers will indicate satisfaction with the graduates’ overall job training/preparation.

Note: Program effectiveness data is available online on the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) web site

Program Snapshot

Degree Type Duration Path Credits
Associate of Applied Science Degree 6 Semesters Full-time 79-81 Degree requirements

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