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Residence Hall Handbook

You have made a great choice to live in the NIC Residence Hall. We are happy to have you and hope you enjoy your stay. The Residential Hall is just a few yards from the beautiful Lake Coeur d’Alene beach and is surrounded by the Edminster Student Union Building, Molstead Library, Student Wellness and Recreation Center and the soccer field. Downtown Coeur d’Alene is a short walk away and is home to lots of shops as well as restaurants and the longest floating boardwalk in the world!

Important Contacts


Call 911

(208) 769-5988

The on-duty RA is located in the RA Office (Room 115) typically from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.

Hours: Available 24 hours a day


  • Help when you lock yourself out
  • Report noise during quiet hours
  • Sign up for particular programs
  • Just to talk
  • To request a guest registration form or a work order
  • Reserve the theatre room

(208) 769-5932

The Residence Life Manager is located in the Residence Hall (Room 121).

Hours: Mon - Fri: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


  • Questions, comments, concerns
  • Report suspicious activity, resident behaviors
  • Attend a discipline conference

(208) 769-3310

Security is located at 710 Military Drive.


  • Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Parking or shuttle questions
  • Report a crime in progress
  • Weapons Storage
  • Vehicle jump-starts

(208) 769-3359

Aladdin Campus Dining is located in the Edminster Student Union Building (first floor)


  • For your comments, concerns, or special dietary needs, contact the Food Services manager

Located at the Residence Hall (first floor)

Mon - Thurs: 6:30 p.m. - 11 p.m.
Sat - Sun: 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. - 11 p.m.


  • Check out vacuum, grill, bikes, or movies
  • Use your food card to purchase food/snacks

(208) 625-2339

The Cardinal Card Office is located in the Edminster Student Building (first floor)

Hours: Mon - Thur: 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Fri: 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.


  • Student ID Card
  • Cardinal Cash
  • Food purchases in the SUB

General Information

In case of an emergency, call 911. In case of a fire, the alarm will sound (if you see/smell a fire, pull an alarm). Walk out of the building quickly and do not use the elevators. Meet on the soccer field. Wait for instructions. Fire evacuation routes are posted on the back of each student room door. Staff may enter rooms to check on evacuation if there is reason to believe that someone could not or did not evacuate. All residents must evacuate and failure to do so is a violation of state law and Residence Hall regulations.

The NIC Residence Hall will close and re-open for winter and spring breaks at the following times:

 Closed FromOpens on Sunday
Winter Break 12 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 17 Noon Saturday, Jan. 9
Spring Break 5 p.m. Friday, March 26 Noon Sunday, April 4

The doors will be locked during these times, so be sure to take all the belongings you will need for this time period.

The hall will be open during Thanksgiving break and all other college holidays.

North Idaho College Campus Dining

Campus Dining is available daily at the following locations - Edminster Student Union Building (The Market and The Caffeinated Cardinal) and the Residence Hall C-Store.  Food Service will be closed during Thanksgiving Break and Winter Break in the Fall semester and during Spring Break in the spring semester.

Resident Meal Plan Options / Descriptions

Residents are required to purchase a meal-plan for both the fall and spring semesters.  There are five meal plans from which to choose:

  • Weekly 5 + $750.00 Flex = $1,500.00 per semester
    • 5 Meal Swipes per Week plus $750.00 Flex Dollars
  • Weekly 7 + $725.00 Flex = $1,750.00 per semester
    • 7 Meal Swipes per Week plus $725.00 in Flex Dollars
  • Weekly 9 + $700.00 Flex = $2,000.00 per semester
    • 9 Meal Swipes per Week plus $700.00 in Flex Dollars
  • Flex 1525 = $1,525.00 per semester
  • Flex 1950 = $1,950.00 per semester

Weekly meal plans include meal swipes (5, 7, or 9) served all-you-care-to-eat style in The Market during weekday dinner periods and weekend brunch and dinner periods.  Weekly meal unused meal swipes do not carry-forward from week-to-week and reset each Monday morning.  Weekly meal plans also have a Flex dollars component. 

Flex dollars are used on a declining-balance basis to purchase retail menu items in The Market, The Caffeinated Cardinal, and the Residence Hall C-Store.  Unused Flex dollars automatically carry-forward from fall to spring semester.  Unused Flex dollars at the end of the spring semester are forfeited and nonrefundable.

Regardless of available balance at the end of the fall semester, the full dollar amount of the chosen plan will be added to the resident’s account at the beginning of the spring semester.

Meal plan changes must be submitted in writing and may be changed through the first week of the semester, after which meal plan selection is confirmed.

In the event that flex dollars are expended, resident has the option to add money to Cardinal Cash (North Idaho College’s declining balance program) available for use in The Market, The Caffeinated Cardinal, and the Residence Hall C-Store).  Visit and click the “One Web -Cardinal Cash” link to add funds to your card.

The student’s Cardinal Card is the payment medium and monitors spending and availability.

The Market will will be open during the following hours: Hours of operation may change to accomodate student need.

  Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Mon - Fri: 7:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.  11 a.m. - 5 p.m.  5 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Sat - Sun: 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. (Brunch)  5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.


Mon - Thurs: 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Friday: 7 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Mon - Thurs: 6:30 p.m. - 11 p.m.
Sat-Sun: 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. - 11 p.m.

Hours of operation may change to accommodate student need.

It is a privilege to live in the hall and with that comes certain behavior expectations of which all community members are to conduct their affairs. Individuals who choose not to act responsibly and violate NIC Residence Hall regulations, the Student Code of Conduct, and/or local, state, and federal laws will be held accountable for their decisions and could jeopardize continued residency.

Living on-campus at NIC means living in a community with others. This community is a dynamic place, composed of diverse people with different values, cultures, lifestyles, and attitudes. As members of the community, we must strive to understand individual differences and life choices of others. We can best learn from one another in an atmosphere of positive encouragement and mutual respect. We must possess a genuine desire to learn from those around us and understand that each person has a role to play in our Residence Hall community and should be allowed to do so.

Students living in the Residence Hall are expected to abide by North Idaho College’s Code of Conduct, which is published in NIC’s handbook. Respect and consideration for the rights of others and their needs for study time and rest are of the highest importance. If a student’s behavior is disruptive to others or the community, that student is expected to respond to requests to assist you in your academic pursuits here at North Idaho College. Residence Life leaders and the college expect you to be an effective citizen of the NIC community.

Learning to share a room with others will be both rewarding and frustrating. Be prepared to meet your roommates halfway when situations arise. Your first obligation should be to make a reasonable attempt to create a lasting relationship with him/her.

If there is a conflict, discuss the problem first with your roommate as honestly and politely as you can as soon as possible. If that doesn’t work, see your RA for a conflict mediation session. Room changes are rare, so it’s important to take this process seriously.

In all activities and endeavors, each student is expected to be sensitive and respectful of the rights and interests of others. Be personally honest and never place another member of the community in jeopardy or at risk. Community living means accepting responsibility for dealing individually or communally with problems as they arise. This includes confronting inappropriate behavior. Members of the Residence Hall staff will take corrective measures when necessary for the health and safety of residence to ensure proper Residence Hall living. By signing the Residence Hall Contract, you agree to comply with the policies established in this handbook.

Students living in the Residence Hall are expected to abide by standards of conduct, which are consistent with the educational objectives and priorities of NIC. Respect and consideration for the rights of others and their needs for study time and rest must receive priority over other needs. The Residence Hall staff helps to create an atmosphere conducive to study, enjoyment, and learning how to live responsibly with other individuals. Each student is expected to respond appropriately to requests from fellow students and staff concerning behavior that does not honor this priority. Should students choose to place themselves in a situation in which others are in violation of college or Residence Hall policies or procedures, they may also be held responsible for that violation to the same extent as those persons committing a violation (i.e., aiding, abetting, or inciting others).

Each student requesting to stay in the Residence Hall is required to identify if they have a criminal background. Failure to identify a criminal background history may result in the immediate removal from the Residence Hall. Residence Hall applicants who indicate a pending charge or conviction for a felony, Class A, and/or Class B misdemeanor may have their application denied.

All residents must be enrolled in AT LEAST 12 credit hours per semester and be making academic progress in a major/certification. Residents that fall below 12 credits hours will be required to produce an accommodation letter from Disability Student Services or an advisor. If they cannot produce such a letter, they will be expected to move out. The Residence Hall is NOT an apartment, it is an educational housing facility and residents are expected to be full-time, dedicated students.

  • Residents are expected to be responsive to requests from staff or other students regarding behavior that is inconsistent with mutual consideration and respect for the rights of others. Any behavior that is abusive toward others or any threatened or performed behavior by residents that could be harmful to themselves or others is a violation of the regulations.

  • The college respects the student’s right to privacy but reserves the right to enter a student’s room for the purpose of maintenance,or in situations involving health, welfare, or safety of residents. Inspections of individual and community space may occur as deemed necessary to assure residents are abiding by reasonable standards of cleanliness and safety. Students are prohibited from restricting room access to college officials.

  • A student is expected to comply with the reasonable request of a college staff member. Examples of failure to comply would include, but are not limited to: refusal to open a room door, refusal to produce identification, giving false or misleading information, or failing to complete a disciplinary sanction. Failure to comply will be viewed seriously.

  • The student union dining facility and the hall parking lot are considered extensions of the Residence Hall and their use requires compliance with all appropriate hall regulations.

  • Students are expected to observe all additional Residence Hall regulations that have been announced at hall meetings, posted on signs, or included in Residence Hall publications.

  • Students who violate federal, state, or local laws will be subject to action by the appropriate law enforcement agencies as well as action by the college.

The use/possession of alcoholic beverages and/or illicit drugs is prohibited on the NIC campus. The display of alcohol containers (cans, bottles, boxes, etc.) or drug paraphernalia is also prohibited. Residents in the presence of alcohol, alcohol containers, drugs, or drug paraphernalia, or people who are drinking or using drugs are considered violators of this policy. There is no adminstrative review available for the sanction of eviction assigned for drug/alcohol offenses.

Any non-resident student who is underage and appears to be intoxicated, will be removed from the residence hall immediately and referred to the Student Code of Conduct process. If a non-resident student who is underage is in possession of alcohol, law enforcement will be called to cite them. Any non-resident non-student who is underage and appears to be intoxicated or is in possession of alcohol, will be referred to law enforcement and will be banned from the Residence Hall.

If residents act suspiciously and give the Residence Life staff concern, the staff will ask to check containers and bags. This is done to stop residents and/or guests from bringing in contraband items like alcohol, drugs, weapons, etc.

Additionally, in the interest of public health and the safety of our students, the college prohibits the possession and consumption of legal or illegal substances not intended for human consumption including, but not limited to: experimental drugs, incense, bath salts, and mind-altering plants, including “k-2/Spice” and “Salvia” and other substances used to induce intoxication or impairment.

The NIC Residence Hall is an educational facility. Residents are expected to make healthy, legal choices, and not consume alcohol or drugs. Due to the overwhelming number of incidents, across America, where students are killed, assaulted, and failing out of college, NIC has implemented a policy for students found to be under the influence.

If you are showing signs of being under the influence of any substance, the RAs will ask you a series of questions. It will be documented, then after the 3rd incident, your parents will be called and you will be expected to meet with the manager.

If the incidents continue, further decisions will be made concerning your health and wellness, including your housing status. The director of student development, NIC counselor, and the manager of Residence Life will be involved in this process.

All incidents involving alcohol or drugs will result in the Residence Life staff contacting the Coeur d’Alene Police Department. In addition to the civil/municipal consequences, you will have on-campus sanctions to address. Two incidents involving the Coeur d’Alene PD being contacted WILL result in eviction.

  • Any student or employee of the college who alleges that a Residence Hall regulation has been violated may file an incident report.
  • Each incident report will be submitted to the Residence Life manager for review and will be followed up with a letter within 24 hours of the incident.
  • A disciplinary conference will be held to determine whether a violation occurred and to assign a sanction.

The purpose of a disciplinary sanction is to assist the student in learning how to live within the guidelines of the college, to bring order to community living, and to focus on more acceptable patterns of behavior. These sanctions also protect the Residence Hall community from possible harm or disruption, or give financial redress for loss, harm, or destruction of property resulting from actions of the accused.

Copies of all sanctions will be kept in the student’s disciplinary file. The types of sanctions that may be applied include, but are not limited to, any combination of the following: a written warning (a letter), an educational sanction such as an essay paper or bulletin board, restitution (restoration/fine), a referral to the NIC Student Health Services office for alcohol counseling, a $100 fine, Residence Hall probation, trespass warnings, relocation, or dismissal from the Residence Hall.

All sanctions may be appealed in writing within three business days to the director of Auxiliary Services (sanctions for eviction for drug/alcohol offenses cannot be appealed). An expulsion sanction may be appealed in writing to the vice president for Student Services who may or may not refer the case to the College Judiciary Council. See the NIC Student Conduct Policy 5.06 for more information. This policy can be found in the Policy Manual at

Resident Information

After going through check-in, these are the expectations for you as a resident:

  • You are expected to fill out and return your Room Condition Form (RCF) to your Resident Assistant (RA) or the RA office. You have until the end of the first day to return the form. Failure to do so will result in a $50 improper check-in fee.
  • If you change rooms during the year, it is your responsibility to check out of the old room with an RA (see Check-out Procedures section) as well as getting a new RCF and checking into the new room. You have three days to complete this entire process.
  • You are expected to keep track of your mailbox key. It is recommended that you check your mailbox at least once a week. Lost key is $50.
  • You are expected to attend all MANDATORY meetings scheduled. These are designed to relay very important information to you.
  • Know where to go during a fire drill and participate wholeheartedly when a drill occurs. Failure to comply during a fire alarm will result in discipline as well as potential citations from the fire department.
  • You are expected to take the trash to the trash rooms or the dumpster.
  • You are expected to clean up your own messes. If you spill a drink, contact the RA to get the proper equipment to clean it up. If you break something, contact the RA so it can be repaired/replaced. If the staff has to investigate an issue after failure to contact an RA, discipline will usually result. Contacting an RA immediately will eliminate the possibility of future community service.
  • You are expected to contact an RA with issues that you have, otherwise, they will be unable to help you. If you contact an RA about what’s going on, they may be able to help find a workable solution or connect you to someone who can. Fixing issues while they are little is MUCH easier than trying to fix issues once they are overwhelming.

The Residence Life staff member you will have the most contact with is your RA. Each wing has an RA who is a student employed by the college to work with the students living in the wing community. RAs are knowledgeable about campus resources and their services to students and will assist you with your questions and concerns. Your RA will work with all members of the wing to build a community. Utilizing diverse, social, and educational programs, and wing meetings, your RA will challenge members within your community to grow both personally and academically.

The RAs and residents are responsible for helping create an atmosphere conducive to study and enjoyment. The RAs are there to help you learn how to live respectfully and responsibly with other individuals. RAs are responsible for confronting residents whose behavior does not adhere to Residence Hall and college rules and regulations. They have the job of being a friend, mentor, and a role model who is willing to take time to be of service to you.

Your Residence Hall staff recognizes that they cannot make the Residence Hall a good place to live without your help. When they need your cooperation, they will ask you for it and you will be expected to respond to their requests. Get to know your RA and the other staff who work in the hall. They are interested in you and want your Residence Hall experience to be positive. They are supportive of your personal growth and success in the college community. You are joining a community of learners and the Residence Life staff is here to assist you in this transition.

Regular checking of bags is a practice used by our staff to ensure a safe environment for our residents. Bag checks are done while the RA is on duty (roughly 9 p.m. – until they go off duty, any time after 1 a.m.). The search is not meant to be intrusive, but is used to look for liquor of any type, drugs and paraphernalia, as well as weapons. All items that could considered dangerous or prohibited in the Residence Hall will be confiscated and if necessary, Coeur d’Alene PD will be contacted.

PLEASE NOTE – You are responsible for what your guests bring into the building. Be sure to have the conversation of what is acceptable and what is forbidden.

Propping open main exterior and suite entrances jeopardizes the safety and security of all residents. Please do not open the door for people you do not recognize as residents of the hall.

You must notify your RA 24 hours in advance to set up a time to check out.

  • Move all belongings from the room and out of the building.
  • Remove all trash to the trash bin on each floor. Bulk items should be taken to the dumpster.
  • Return all hall equipment to the Service Center.
  • Restore room to original condition and configuration, including vacuuming, mopping all floors, and wiping down all surfaces.
  • Check and thoroughly clean all drawers to make sure nothing is left behind.
  • Make sure all paperwork is completed with your RA and keys are returned

Failure to complete these steps will result in an improper checkout for a cost of $50.

WiFi is provided throughout the building. Name of Wi-Fi network and password are located throughout the building.

If you want to plug your device into the wall, you must first register it. You can do this by going to and clicking the “Activate Your Device” link to complete the process. After completing the form, if you have issues, please contact the IT Help Desk at (208) 769-3280.

Custodial service is provided only for the community areas of the hall. Residents are required to care for their own individual spaces. Vacuums are available in the trash rooms for residents to borrow. Please return the vacuums to the trash rooms when you are finished with them.

Common courtesy and respect is expected in the public areas. We simply ask that if you made the mess, you clean it up. Trash cans have been placed in hightraffic common areas as well as at the end of each wing. Misuse or abuse of the common areas may result in disciplinary action.

Charges for damage to individual student rooms or suites will be the responsibility of the student who accepts responsibility, who is found to be responsible for the damage, or the residents of a room or suite where the damage occurred.

Charges for common areas will be charged to the individual who accepts responsibility, who is found to be responsible for the damage, or the residents of the particular wing, floor, or building where the damage occurred.

In an effort to maintain an environment that is safe and free of potential fire and other life safety hazards, residents are asked to adhere to the following decoration guidelines within the Residence Hall:

  • Hang posters with 3M brand poster strips™.
  • The use of extension cords or multiple plugs may not be used (only surge protectors are allowed).
  • No decorations may be hung from the ceiling or in a manner that will interfere with safe passage or evacuation.
  • You may not paint your walls, use stencils, or apply a border.
  • No decorations may be placed in hall common areas without permission from the Residence Life manager.
  • Smoke detectors and sprinklers cannot be covered or obstructed in any way.
  • Overhead lights may not be manipulated in any way.
  • Live or cut Christmas trees and any large amounts of dry vegetation (hay bales, corn stalks, leaves) are prohibited.
  • The use of open burning candles or incense is prohibited.
  • You may not display stolen property in your room (street signs, traffic equipment).

Do not use the elevators during a fire alarm. Elevators may not be tampered with in any way (unless there is an emergency) including pulling on the doors, ringing the alarm, or using the telephone.

Any kind of exposed heating or smoke bearing element is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to hot plates, electric fry pans, and halogen lamps. Participation in all fire drills is mandatory. Anyone causing a false alarm, tampering with, damaging, or in any way using fire safety equipment for reasons other than its intended use will be stringently penalized and/or immediately evicted from the hall. Violations of Idaho’s Uniform Fire Code may also result in up to a $1,000 fine and/or up to six months in jail.

Propping entrances and suite doors open is a fire safety consideration. Please do not prop open doors!

All furnishings provided by the college must remain in its original room. You may bring in other furniture as long as it is safe, sturdy, and free of living organisms. The beds/frames may not be used in any manner inconsistent with the intended manufacturer specifications (homemade lofts are not permitted). Waterbeds, full-size refrigerators, and air conditioners are prohibited. Students may only have mini-fridges and microwaves.

If residents are looking for additional furniture for their suites/rooms, please contact the Residence Life staff PRIOR to taking furniture from lobbies or lounges. ANY FURNITURE REMOVED WITHOUT PROPER CONSENT WILL RESULT IN DISCPLINARY ACTION.

Any appliance that trips the building fire alarm system will be confiscated. If it is not destroyed, it will be returned to the resident upon checkout for a holiday or at the end of the semester.

Until further notice, no outside guests will be permitted.

A guest is defined as any person who is not currently residing in the NIC Residence Hall. A host is defined as a person who is assigned to the Residence Hall being visited. In order to maintain a living environment that respects the privacy of all residents, guests must adhere to the same policies as residents. To accomplish this, all guests must be escorted by their host at all times while in the Residence Hall. All hosts are responsible for the actions of their guests.

It is expected that residents wishing to have an overnight guest will consult their roommate/suitemates for approval. Residents may have overnight guests two consecutive nights, once a month, for a total of eight nights a semester. Guest registration forms are available at the RA office.

The Hall Council comprises every resident living in the hall, including you! Part of the activity fee you pay goes to the Hall Council for various activities and services decided at the meetings. This council is a governing body responsible for helping to make the Residence Hall better through programming, the purchase of new equipment, and fine-tuning hall regulations. There is an Executive Board, which is elected each fall and spring (depending on open positions). The Executive Board has 11 positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Floor Reps (each floor), Newsletter Chair, Food Service/ Bookstore Chair, and Historian. A Hall Council meeting is held weekly in the theater and is open to all residents.

Why not run for a position and gain leadership skills, be a part of deciding Residence Hall happenings, and build your resumé? Get involved, vote, or join a committee!

Parking permits are available for purchase online only and are $36 per year. All students who live on campus have dedicated parking in the lot on the north side of the building. This lot offers 24-hour video surveillance. Vehicles with a parking permit displayed are eligible for vehicle service such as a jump-start or unlock. The repair or storage of motor vehicles is prohibited on campus.

PLEASE NOTE – Handicap accessible parking is not an unloading zone.

Routine inspection of student rooms, done once a month, is necessary to verify that acceptable standards of safety and hygiene are observed, Residence Hall regulations and public laws are followed, and for fire equipment and safety checks (smoke detectors, sprinklers, outlets). The date for these health and safety inspections will be posted at least 24 hours in advance. Inspections will be done whether or not the residents are present.

Building entry doors are locked 24 hours a day. Your student ID will be used as your key and you will receive a metal key for your bedroom (lost hard keys will cost $50 to replace). Keys are for personal use only and residents are not to loan either key to others at any time. Please use these keys responsibly, taking into consideration the safety, security, and privacy of other residents. Keys may not be reproduced.

LOST AND STOLEN KEYS: For your safety, you should replace your Cardinal Card immediately if it is lost or stolen. You must go to the Cardinal Card office, located in the SUB, to replace your key card. There is a $25 charge to cover the replacement process which can be charged to your student account. Contact the manager of Residence Life immediately following this key replacement so that your access to the building and your suite can be activated. It is highly recommended that you not lose your keys.

Washing machines and dryers are available in the first floor of the Sheppard Wing for use by residents. NIC assumes no responsibility for any damage that might occur to student belongings while using the laundry machines.

Call (208) 769-5988 any time (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) if you get locked out. Two weeks after check-in, residents will be charged $5 each time they need to be let into the building, their suite, or their bedroom. This charge will be placed on your student account. You do not have to have cash to get into the building or your rooms.

Residents receive their mail in the mailboxes located on the first-floor lobby. Each resident will receive a box number and combination. Mail is delivered and picked up by 2 p.m. Monday to Thursday and by 1:30 p.m. on Friday.

PLEASE NOTE – Mail Services personnel may not hand you your mail or allow you to see mailbox combos.

There is an outgoing mailbox on the wall for stamped outgoing mail. Please notify all who correspond with you of your correct mailing address which is:

[Your Name]
518 College Drive Box #[Insert Your Room Number]
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814

DO NOT use “P.O.” in your address. If you are expecting a package that WILL NOT fit in your mailbox – when ordering online or from parents, etc. - please make sure that your room number is used.

Packages that will not fit in your mailbox will be delivered directly to your room. If no one is in the room to accept the package, the RAs will key in and set the box right inside your suite door. If there is a reason you DO NOT want your packages delivered to your room, please contact the Residence Life manager to make other arrangements.

Failure to properly address mail can result in delays, mis-delivery, or mail being returned to sender.


Instead, file a “Temporary Move” request. Go to and under “Quick Tools” select “Change of Address.” Provide the information requested, and select “Temporary” as the type of move. Include the dates Aug. 19, 2019 to May 16, 2020.

This should set your mail up to only arrive here during said dates. This should eliminate any issues. Please contact your local Postmaster with questions.

Please report all maintenance issues to your RA. Your RA will assess the problem and fill out a work order to be submitted to the Residence Life manager who will, in turn, submit it to the Physical Plant electronically for repair.

This is the convenience store located in the first floor lobby next to the elevator. It is designed to give residents some “extras” while living in the hall. This is a list of functions of the Residence Hall C-Store:

  • Buy food, drinks, and emergency toiletries with your contract food money
  • Check out two-wheel cart, furniture movers, grill, and other equipment.
  • Check out lawn and board games.
  • Check out movies for free. You can return the movie during Residence Hall C-Store hours, or there is a DVD drop box located to the right of the Residence Hall C-Store window.

Failure to return these movies to the Residence Hall C-Store within the week will result in a $15 charge being added to your student account. Failure to return these items to the Residence Hall C-Store within the designated time frame will result in a charge appropriate for the item being added to your student account.

Personal belongings left in the Residence Hall after vacating the facility or after formal checkout will be discarded after 30 days.

Students are prohibited from having pets in the Residence Hall and the surrounding area. Fish are the only exception in an aquarium no larger than 10 gallons.

The Residence Life Manager must approve the posting of any material in the Residence Hall. Posting is prohibited on glass surfaces, on or under doors, or in the elevator.

Hall-wide programs are provided weekly by the RAs and by the Hall Council. These may be social, intellectual, vocational, physical, spiritual, or emotional programs. Some programs require signing up at the RA office in order to participate. Check out the fliers on the bulletin boards and on our Facebook page, NIC Reslife, for detailed information. Most events are free unless otherwise noted. Get involved!

The Residence Hall strives to provide its residents with a living environment that is conducive to learning. Residents should respect each other’s rights with regard to quiet hours for studying and sleeping. To accomplish this, quiet hours have been established throughout the hall.

Quiet Hours are:
Sunday - Thursday: 11 p.m. to 9 a.m.
Friday - Saturday: 12 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Final Exams: 24 hours

During quiet hours, noise must be kept at a minimum (defined as no noise heard in the hallway). Courtesy hours, defined as hours of reasonable quiet, are to be maintained at all times (no noise heard one door down or up).

The Residence Hall recycles cans, plastic bottles, office paper, and newspaper. We have provided recycling tubs in each suite. Please read through the recycling guidelines poster provided. Once the tub is filled, please take it down to the trash room – located at the end of each hall – and dump it in the specified recycling receptacles. Return the tub to the suite. Continue this process all year! There is a dumpster at the far end of the parking lot for cardboard.

For the safety and security of residents and guests, security cameras are installed in the common areas and around the outside of the Residence Hall including the parking lot. Tampering with this equipment is strictly prohibited.

Service animals are permitted to accompany individuals with disabilities in all areas of North Idaho College’s facilities where members of the public, students, participants in services, programs, or activities, or invitees are allowed to go. Service animals are defined by the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA) as any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Service animals do not need to wear a vest or have identification nor do they need to be necessarily leashed. Individuals with service animals should not be approached with questions about their dogs. Please do not pet, feed, or interfere with a service animal in any way.

Questions or concerns about service animal should be directed to Disability Support Services at (208) 769-7794 or (208) 665-4520. Please see the “Service Animal” link under the NIC Disability Support Services website to view the entire Service Animal Policy.

Soliciting in the Residence Hall is prohibited. Solicitation is defined as any activity designed to advertise, promote, or sell any product or commercial service or encourage support for, or membership in, any group, association, or organization, and includes door-to-door canvassing. Soliciting/selling includes promoting a product or service in the Residence Hall such as babysitting, beer distribution, or selling such items as cosmetics, magazines, bagels, candy bars, etc. Advertising signs, posters, and flyers may not be distributed or posted. Fundraising events and soliciting are not permitted in the hall unless authorized by the Residence Life manager.

Sports activities inside the Residence Halls are not permitted. This includes but is not limited to: bouncing balls, skateboarding, scooters, having water fights, and bike riding.

The theater on the third floor is for residents’ use. To use the theater, you must contact the RA on duty. They have keys to open the equipment box to watch cable TV, a video, DVD, or use the Playstation 3 or XBox 360. All Residence Hall programs take precedence. Signing up in advance through the RA on duty is suggested.

To ensure a safe and healthy environment for students, employees, and visitors, North Idaho College is a tobacco-free campus. Smoking (including e-cigarettes, vaporizers, and hookas), all modes of tobacco use, and tobacco sales (including smokeless tobacco products) are prohibited on NIC-owned, -operated, or -leased properties including parking lots, walkways, sidewalks, sports venues, and college-owned and private vehicles parked or operated on college property.

PLEASE NOTE – Vaping in your room WILL set off the fire alarm. If this does occur, your vaping machine will be confiscated, and there will be disciplinary action.

Residents are required to empty their own trash from their rooms. There are trash receptacles at the end of each hallway. If you have large items to throw away, please take them to the dumpster at the far end of the parking lot.

At the beginning and end of the school year, the trash closets will be locked and a dumpster will be located in the Residence Hall parking lot for trash. Please take your trash to the dumpster.

PLEASE NOTE – Trash left outside of the trash room will be returned to you and you are expected to take it out to the dumpster.

The destruction of any college property including bulletin boards, flyers, or posters is prohibited. Tampering with outside antennas, DSS equipment, or cables is also prohibited. Residents will be charged for damages.

There is a snack and soda machine located in the laundry room. For refunds, please go to the Student Union Operations Office located on the first floor of the Edminster Student Union Building (SUB).

Firearms, ammunition, gunpowder, fireworks, knives with blades longer than 2.5 inches, bow and arrows, and all other forms of explosives or weapons are prohibited in the NIC Residence Hall and parking lot. The Campus Security office maintains a weapons storage safe for your unloaded firearm and ammunition. Please make arrangements with Campus Security two hours in advance by calling (208) 769-3310 for pick-up and drop-off of your weapons. Please bring a picture ID with you and call Campus Security if you have any questions.

Screens that are found partially/fully removed will result in each resident of the offending bedroom being charged $45 for each offense. Continued abuse of the screen policy may result in removal from the Residence Hall.

You may not hang items out windows or display offensive material. Using windows as an entrance or exit is not allowed. You may not throw things in or out or otherwise break the pane of the windows. Doing so will result in disciplinary action.

Residence Hall Handbook