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Membership Structure

Membership structure from the Constitution of the North Idaho College Senate.

ARTICLE II - Membership

Section 1. The college Senate shall consist of representatives from the following constituent organizations: eight Staff Assembly members (SA), eight Faculty Assembly members (FA) and three officers from the Associated Students of North Idaho College (ASNIC).

Section 2. Senators shall be elected in accordance with the provisions of each organization’s by-laws. Each organization may seat alternates according to its by-laws. Both senators and alternates may participate in Senate discussions. However, alternates shall make motions and vote only when serving in an official capacity as senator.

ARTICLE III - Term of Office

The term of office for Faculty Assembly and Staff Assembly senators shall be for two years, beginning fall semester after their election. ASNIC senators shall serve for a term of one year.

Section 1. A college Senate member shall serve no more than two consecutive full terms.

Section 2. Half of the members of the Senate shall be elected in odd years; half, in even years.

Section 3. Alternate senators are elected for a term of one year.

Section 4. In the event of a vacancy in the college Senate, the alternate from that constituent group will serve the remainder of the unexpired term.

Section 5. In the event that an alternate cannot serve, a new alternate shall be selected by and from the original constituent group.

Executive Committee

 (Elections for officer positions will take place at the August meeting)

  • Chair – Julie Bailey
  • Vice Chair – Matt Peterson
  • Parliamentarian – Travis Hagner
  • Corresponding Secretary – Melissa Jessen
  • Past Chair – Matthew Nolan

Senate Executive Committee Appointment:
Recording Secretary – Geoff Carr

Faculty Senators


Staff Senators
